chapter ten: i fell in love, again

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"Hey hey hey, welcome to l/n's Soda bar, what would you like?"

"Uh, yeah, can I have one hot fudge sundae, please?"

You and Casey were behind the counter
Casey turned to you,
"It's nice of you to add hot fudge to the menu. And because of that, we've gotten even more customers."

You smiled,
"Yeah. I should've added it way before."

"Why'd u remove it in the first place?"

You bit your lip, "eh, long story."
You scanned each one of your customers' faces

"Who you lookin for?", Casey smirked

The door chimed

"Hey, hey!", a voice said

"Hey, Jenna!", your face brightened

She put both her elbows on the counter,
"Two hot fudge sundaes please!"

"Coming right up!"

You and Jenna sat down at a booth

You bit into your sundae,
"It's been a while since I had a hot fudge."

"I can assume why.", jenna replied

"It was petty of me, i know. But, I'm glad I added it to my menu."

You looked at her
You frowned,
"I'm gonna miss you."

Jenna took your hand and caressed it,
"I'll come back to Atlanta, i promise."

You sighed,
"I know I'll miss you but, I don't want you visiting me every time you have a free day."

She took a scoop of her sundae,
"But I love visiting you!"
She put her spoon down,
"How about this? Next time I come back, we'll go somewhere. Anywhere. Just a nice little vacation."

"For real?", you replied
"Of course. Like a little honeymoon. It'll be fun."

You couldn't help but smile,
"Yeah, I'd like that."
She looked at your necklace,
"Watch this."

She leaned toward you and brought her seahorse necklace to yours
It connected
Making a heart

"Holy shit.", you exclaimed

Jenna sat back down
" you think this'll last forever? I"

You touched your necklace and gleamed,

"I believe you'll always be the person I love."


A/n: I'm making an original book soon. It was supposed to be a webtoon on tapas but I low-key hate drawing ☠️

sundae sundays (jenna x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now