chapter six: lunch break

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last night, you finally asked for jenna's number
you texted her all day since then


you grabbed your phone from the counter
jenna was calling you
"hey, y/n. i gotta ask you something."
you looked both ways, making sure your boss didn't see you on your phone, "yeah sure. but make it quick, i'm at work right now."

jenna exhaled, "do you want to....", she paused, "....have lunch with me on sunday?"

you blushed, "oh! yeah of course. we would have to go during my lunch break, which is at 1:30."
"that's okay with me. well...great! see you on sunday."
jenna ended the call
you dropped your phone and did a little dancey dance
a second date with jenna!
just a few more days until sunday
1:25 PM
you were getting impatient.
this was the longest five minutes of your life
the door chimed
"hey y/n! ready for our lunch date?"
she wore a black cardigan with hearts & white stripes, a white turtleneck and baggy blue jeans.

this was the longest five minutes of your lifethe door chimed"hey y/n! ready for our lunch date?"she wore a black cardigan with hearts & white stripes, a white turtleneck and baggy blue jeans

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your eyebrows rose, "jenna you look...incredible."
you looked down at yourself
you were in your stupid work uniform
"i don't think i'm wearing an appropriate outfit.", you said
jenna giggled, "it's fine. you look good in it anyway."
you left the counter and grabbed your purse, "you didn't tell me where we were eating?"

"its a restaurant called 'the garden room'. it's super cute."
you and jenna exited the soda bar.
jenna unlocked her car door. she had a white mini cooper with black stripes on the front
"I've always wanted a mini cooper!"
she turned to you, "what kind of car do you have?"
you pointed toward the gray honda civic
"hm, we should switch cars. minis barely have any space in them."
you laughed, "i figured as much."
you opened the car door and saw the restaurant.
the garden room
it was garden themed, obviously
beautiful plants around the building
and inside was even more cool
the place had a round translucent roof, covered by plant vines.
you both sat down at a booth
you order your food and drinks

"so...", jenna spoke, "tell me about yourself
you scratched your head, "erm. i work at a soda bar. and uh...i don't know, i don't really have an eventful life."
she scoffed, "oh come one! tell me, what are your likes & dislikes?"

"uhm. well, i really like you.", you shrugged
jenna laughed and put her hands on her face, covering her blush
"but uh, yeah i don't know. the only big thing that's happened to me is meeting you."

jenna looked at you, hypnotized by your eyes
your ears muted everything in the background
it was just you and jenna
your breathing tensed

jenna then leaned toward you
you closed your eyes and tilted your head
was this really happening?

"what are you doing?", she asked
you felt something picking on your eye
you opened your eyes
"you had something in your eye.", she laughed
you looked down at the table, red as a tomato
"you're so awkward.", jenna chuckled, "it's so cute."

"i am NOT awkward it's jus-"

"the wagyu burger and the cucumber salad!"
your waiter set the food down on your table
jenna smiled, "thank you so much!"
as the waiter walked away, jenna looked back at you, "i'm hard to please."
she took a bite of her salad
"it's not gonna be that easy getting a kiss from me.", she grinned.
you looked at her in awe
she's playing hard to get...
but you accept the challenge


sundae sundays (jenna x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now