chapter five: drunk words are sober thoughts

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5:20 PM

your coworker, Casey, forced you out of your soda bar

"Casey! I have work to do.", you yelled

Casey rolled her eyes, "kalynn and the others got it. plus, it's your birthday! I wanna go shopping with you!"

"Ugh, fine. but we have to be back in at least 2 hours."

"no promises~"

you and Casey went to the Lenox Square mall,
a huge & fancy mall about 30 minutes away from the soda bar.
you got out of Casey's car,
"I've never been to this mall before.", you gleamed

"Really? this mall is great. there's this really cute gift shop that I want to show you!"


plushies, figurines, posters, you name it
you were a really big nerd, and you didn't spend a lot of your money on clothes or jewelry.
you bought it on comics, manga, you know, just nerdy things

"oooh, I don't know what to get!", you told Casey
she chuckled, "get anything you want. I'll buy it for you. not anything too expensive though."
you turned toward her, "really?"


you had so much fun with Casey that you almost forgot about Jenna. after leaving her hotel, you and she texted once a day. you were happy that your feelings toward Jenna were fading away. it was definitely still there, just not as strong.

before leaving the mall, casey needed to use the restroom

" oh! and y/n, can i borrow your phone real quick?"

"in the bathroom?"

"yeah. my phone is dead and i need to ask kalynn something."

"uh, sure. but don't drop it in the toilet."

"i won't"


you closed the car door,
"jesus, it's been more than two hours, we gotta go."

"no, no, no. i'm taking you out to dinner.", casey smirked

"we need to go back. the store closes at 9 today."

"exactly!", casey exclaimed, "it's seven right now. kalynn can handle two more hours of work." WAS your birthday...

"let's go eat."


9:15 PM

you finally arrived at the soda bar. it was dark.
"aw, shit did kalynn lock the soda bar? i have my keys in there."

"don't worry. just go inside.", casey reassured

you opened the door and turned on the lights

confetti everywhere. balloons in the air.
and a big sign that said
a bunch of your friends and
employees came up and hugged you
you smiled and you tightly hugged them
you slowly opened your eyes to see another person standing in the corner


you let go of kalynn

"Ta-da!!!", casey roared

"happy birthday, y/n"

"haha. hey jenna.", you awkwardly laughed

"how'd you know it was my birthday?"

"casey took your phone and called me.", jenna replied

she had a gift bag in her hand
"take it."

you grabbed the gift and set it down on the counter with the other presents

"heyy, y/nnnnn", casey said

you turned around and saw a bunch of drinks

"oh no.."

"oh YES! LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!", kalynn yelled

you weren't a big fan of alcohol. you would drink it sometimes but not too much

"you don't want some, y/n?", jenna said

"awh, no thank you. i don't wanna drink tonight. i need to get home safely."

"mhm, whatever you say~", jenna took a shot
then another
then another one

"you're taking a lot of shots, jenna.", you yelled, the music was too loud

"mhm, yeah. i wanna have fun whileinermmmkeek"

"you're slurring your words, jenna.", you laughed

"I SAID. i wanna have... fun while being in Atlanta. it's very-mhm, yeah."

you kept your eye on jenna. you were concerned about her. she took yet another shot. ok, that's it

you softly grabbed her arm, "jenna you've had too much. let's go home."

"NO?!", jenna yelled, "i'm not done partying."

"jenna, you're super drunk. we need to go back to your hotel."

jenna removed your hand from her arm and stared at you

"y/n.", she laughed


she put her hand on your shoulder,
"you.....have some issues..."


she continued, "yeah. i mean, i visit the soda bar one day, and then're obsessed with me. and then you tell me that you'll die if i leave atlanta? you'! but then when i come back you wanna act all like 'ouh i don't love you anymore' AND I HATE IT!!"
she was crying, "it's like you can't fucking...decide on things. you're indecisive.  like...what are you REALLY thinking right now. you're dumb. you're so dumb and stupid. but for some reason.....for some reason, i can't help but still have feelings for you. yeah, i still like you but i hate that i still like you cause apparently you don't want to pursue things with me."

she hit your chest, "BUT YOU..YOU LITERALLY KISSED ME. i...told you that it'd be a mistake if you did, and you still did it. and now you're saying it's all my fault that our relationship is ruined. NO. YOU RUINED IT. YOU RUINED IT WITH THAT STUPID KISS."

she fell down to the floor
you were in shock
you didn't know what to say

she sniffed, "everything's ruined. but i still like you. and i hate it."

you waited a few minutes for her to calm down
you finally spoke, "...let's take you home."

she looked up at you, "fine."


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