chapter four: declaration of faith

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you both went inside her  hotel room
"do you have any extra clothes and a toothbrush?", you asked her

"of course."
she went inside her bag and grabbed a plain white t-shirt with plaid pajama pants

"toothbrushes are in the bathroom, go ahead and change."

you took the clothes and changed in the bathroom

you looked at the time on your phone
"9:45 PM"

"I need to go to sleep soon, I have work tomorrow."

you came out of the bathroom
Jenna was already in her pajamas


"ta-da!!", she smiled

you rolled your eyes
you grabbed a pillow and set it down on the ground

"Woah Woah Woah", Jenna said, "what are you doing?"

"I'm sleeping...", you replied

she grabbed the pillow and put it back on the bed, "you are NOT sleeping on the floor."

"why not?"

"cause first, sleeping on the floor is uncomfortable. and second, it's just one night. just, don't make it awkward, y/n"

Jenna was right.
you were only sleeping in the same room as her.
that's it. nothing else

"whatever.", you replied

you and Jenna both crawled onto the bed
"let's watch a movie.", Jenna exclaimed
"no. I have work tomorrow."

"come on!", she begged, "just one movie. I'll pick a short one."


the tv in her hotel had a Netflix account,
so she decided to pick a movie from there

"Netflix has one of my favorite movies. it's a short romcom."

"I hate romcoms.", you replied

"too bad."


Toward the end of the movie, the main character confessed to their love interest,

I just have to stop keeping this from you. You have my undying love. I also don't want you to go. I feel as though I cannot survive without you. I adore you. I never want you to change.

"corny as hell", you said

"yeah. I don't even agree with that."

"not agree with what?", you questioned

she turned toward you,
"the last part. when she said I never want you to change."


"let me finish!", Jenna said, "it's just, I've heard so many people saying 'i never want you to change. "

you scoffed, "because it's true. when you're in love, you want them to be themselves, you don't want them to change."

"Y/N, everyone changes. I...don't believe that love entails "I never want you to change." however, it most certainly does not mean "I don't care how you change" either.

you raised your eyebrow, "so what does it mean then?"

she sighed, "I guess it means...
I believe you'll always be the person I adore...
like, you have faith in them or something."

"hm. I guess you're right. now be quiet I wanna finish this movie."

"thought you said you hated romcoms"

"shut up"


2:30 AM

you tossed and turned
you couldn't sleep

Jenna was sound asleep when you turned to face her.
She was perfect even when she was sleeping.

you touched her shoulder, "Jenna. you awake?", you whispered


you replayed the parts of the stupid rom-com in your head

"I believe you'll always be the person I adore"

would you ever find someone that loves the way you do?

"why am I talking like I'm in a romcom...", you muttered to yourself

you looked at Jenna again
you took a deep breath

"Jenna.", you whispered to her,

"I hope we both fall out of love."


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