chapter nine: confession of love

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You leaned back, completely flustered,

She laughed,
"I'm just joking. But...if I were serious, would you have sex with me?"

You stuttered,
"I-I....I don't know..."

Jenna frowned,
"Hm, the right answer is no. What happened to us going back as friends?"

You sighed, sipping your wine,
"I started this mess, and I wanted to fix it."
You leaned in closer to her, Jenna's face turning red
"But, I realized, that I don't want to fix things. I still wanna be in this stupid mess with you. I risked it all for that kiss and I don't regret it at all. I don't...regret anything."

Jenna tilted her head,
"What about when I leave?"

You smiled,
"I'll call you every single day. I'll wait for you until you visit Atlanta again like those cliché romances."

Jenna laughed, understanding the reference

You continued,
"I...really like you, Jenna. I'll admit that I wanted to fall out of love but, my feelings for you grew every single day. And it was driving me insane."

Jenna didn't say anything else
She leaned closer and closer to you

Until both of your lips pressed against each-others
Both of your seahorse necklaces clinked 
You touched the back of her neck, making her gasp

She pulled her hips closer to yours, creating butterflies in your stomach

She laid you flat on the couch

"I never imagined you being top.", you smirked

She whispered in your ear,
"Just keep quiet and take it all in."

That sentence alone made you we-

Jenna slowly kissed your lips, then your neck
She took off your tank top and unzipped your pants

She then kissed your collarbone, then your stomach,

She kept going down and down and down and...


A/n: chapter ten will be the last chapter since each volumes are 10 chapters each

sundae sundays (jenna x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now