chapter ten: our last sundaes

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20 minutes til the soda bar closed

you haven't talked to Jenna since you left the aquarium
it just hurt trying to talk to her again when you knew she'd be leaving the next day.

but you were glad your last moment with her was kissing Jenna

you sighed as you walked toward the jukebox
"hm, what's a good song to listen to?", you asked yourself

as you scrolled through, you saw "coming home"

the memories immediately flooded your mind

"I'll just...listen to this song one more time."
even though you saw Jenna on Saturday, you already missed her. you didn't want to think about her though.

you hesitated on clicking the song
was this even worth it?

"fuck it.", you gave in and pressed it.

you suddenly heard the door chime


Jenna took off her black headphones
she stopped and looked at you
she grinned, "hey, y/n."

"what...what are you doing here?", you quickly ran to the counter

Jenna closed the door,
"I'm going to the airport soon so I wanted some ice cream before I left..."

you couldn't help but smile, "two hot fudge sundaes coming right up!"

the song kept playing as you walked over to her booth with both sundaes in your hands
"I'm glad you visited me.", you admitted

she took a scoop of her sundae, "of course.", she took a bite, "you're the only girl I've genuinely liked."

you paused, "how long?"

she raised her eyebrow, "what do you mean?"

you put down your spoon, "how long will you be gone for?"

Jenna sighed, "maybe...a year or two? it takes a while for a movie to be produced."

you fidgeted with your spoon
"...will you remember me till then?"

she stood up,

"we'll see..."

she walked over to the jukebox and replayed "coming home"

"what are you doing?", you asked

Jenna took your hand, "C'mon, let's dance one last time."

you stood up, "I'm gonna get so sick & tired of this song..."

"I learned how to sway my hips!", Jenna laughed
you couldn't help but laugh also, "yeah! you've got it!"

"OH!", Jenna exclaimed, "spin me around, spin me around!"

you spun Jenna around and dipped her

"Jesus, y/n.", she giggled

you and she stayed in that position
you locked eyes with her
"I hope I'll always be on your mind."

she smiled, "do you even deserve to be on my mind?"

"of course."

she looked down at your lips, "prove it."

you pressed your lips together, making sure this kiss would be an unforgettable one for Jenna

as the music played
you had one thing on your mind:

were you just a fling? or will she visit the soda bar again after her trip to Greece?

you'll just have to wait.


sundae sundays (jenna x fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now