chapter seven: heart to heart (part 2)

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you and casey entered the bonus room
you laid on the bed

"so.", casey started, "what's been up?"

"It's a lot.", you groaned

"I'll be here all night if i have to."

you closed your eyes,
"you heard everything that jenna said?"


" you think I'm indecisive?"

she sighed,
"the things jenna said, was it all true? you don't want to like her anymore?"

"i don't know.", you cried, "it's like, i want jenna but I'm gaslighting myself into not liking her. i want her by my side, every day. but, she's an actress, she goes around the world for interviews & movie sets. i'm trying so hard to be only friends with her, but her face, her smile, her laugh."

you opened your eyes,
"i always end up falling for her again."

casey sat down next to you

you continued, tears streaming down your face
"i've read shit on quora & reddit. stupid i know. people say that you can just... find someone like them. but i don't want a woman like jenna. i want jenna. im just afraid that if we do become long-distance, she'll find a girl better than me."

casey wiped your tears,
"if jenna loves you as much as you love her, i bet she wouldn't even look at another woman. you just need to trust her and yourself."
she laid beside you, "you need to understand that she's always going to be moving around. she's in the film industry for christ's sake. if you really loved her, you would be okay with her not always being around."

casey sat up, "jenna visited atlanta for YOU. she could've been on vacation to...i don't know, the bahamas. but no, she chose to see you."

she stared at your seahorse necklace,
"you know that necklace was 200 dollars, right?"

you quickly sat up, "what?"

"i saw the brand name and decided to look it up.
It was made by an upscale jewelry company called AULI'I. She paid $200 for that seahorse necklace. She must...genuinely care about you.

the things casey said

realization struck

"but ultimately, it's your choice whether or not to date her. but, i'm rooting for you and jenna. i already thought of a ship name.", casey smiled

you hugged her
"thank you so much."

"no problem. i'll always be here for you."

the next morning when jenna wakes up, she'll be greeted with some breakfast in bed

END OF CHP 7 (part 2/2)

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