chapter four: just in time

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it's been a week since you've last seen each other
but it all made sense now
you imagined being in the film industry to be real hard work
Jenna must've been busy

you knocked on your boss's door
"come in."
you sat down and spoke, "hey so uh...who's doing the night shift tonight?"


you bit your lip, "can I take the night shift?"

your boss squinted his eyes, "...why would you want to take the night shift?"

you scratched your neck, "you know... her grandma died and it's been really hard for her. I wanna do something nice."

his eyes shined, "oh that's wonderful, of course, you can."

can't believe that worked

it was 1:30 AM
30 minutes til the bar closed
all hope was lost
you sighed as you decided to close early
again, no one came during the night

as you were about to flip the open sign to closed, you see a small figure running in front of you.
"what the..."

you hear the person saying,
as they were getting closer and closer
you realized
it was jenna

you quickly opened the door for her
"Jenna? it's 30 minutes til closing time"
she was breathing rapidly, "I know I know. I'm sorry I'm just really busy."
you both sat down in a booth
"I would assume you would be. you didn't tell me you were an actor?"
jenna's eyes widened, "oh. well, i just don't think it was necessary to tell you."
you laughed, "I know but that's cool. I didn't you acted. not to mention you'll be playing Wednesday Addams??!"

she smiled, "yeah. how'd you know?
"I was watching Jimmy Kimmel on Wednesday and I saw you."

"ah, of course.", she looked down at the table, "can we talk while we eat some hot fudge sundaes?"

"yeah, sure. you're paying though.", you replied as you got up from the booth
you take a slurp of your sundae, "so, are you filming a movie here in Atlanta?"
"yeah. we're just finishing up actually. just a few more weeks and it's a wrap."
as you took another bite from your sundae, you paused...
"so... what happened with that girl that stood you up?", you asked.

Jenna recalled, "oh! yeah, that girl....she's actually a costar..."


"yeah, but! she was apparently really busy that day and she forgot about our date. she's always worried that she'll forget her lines while filming so she practices every night.", she giggled.

she really likes this girl, you thought

"oh should invite her again next week."
was that the best excuse to invite her here again??

she gleamed, "yes! Oh, that would be perfect! AND you would get to see her!"

"haha yeah..."
you did NOT want to see this woman at all

she got up, "we'll probably visit next Sunday. sundays are the only free days we have."

you held the door for her as she exited, "can't wait! bye Jenna, see you next Sunday."

Jenna looked back, "I'll be back with my girlllll~"

you closed the door and took a big, fat, sigh.
"can't wait...."


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