Chapter 24

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Everything was sort of a déjà vu. How I'm packing against my damn will, with the exception of been sold to someone.

I didn't pack all of my belongings because I am coming back, no matter what.

Once I was done packing and mourning for leaving my husband and the whole resemblance of a family I had I scribbled out a note that read:

Be strong. Get better. I'll be back, I love you no matter what - Scarlett Thomson

Then placed it on top of his pillow. The door bell brought me back to my senses. I practically dragged my suitcase down the stairs and opened the door. My mom stood there grinning like a total fool.

Triumphant eyes stared right at me.

"You sure did live the easy life girl. Well until you got that bastard on your belly." she smirked.

That was replaced by total outrage when I slapped her.

"Don't you ever talk bout my baby that way."

Her eyes narrowed and she clenched her teeth.

"Let's go, Patrick is waiting for us at home."

Who the hell is Patrick?

I didn't dare to ask.

Apparently she moved again. She lives farther than what I used to call home, strange thing is that when we got to her house my dad's car wasn't there. And who is Patrick? The urge to ask was eating me.

My mom being my mom, got out of the car, opened the trunk and then went inside her house. Helping me with the suitcase never crossed her mind. With a resigned sigh I grabbed my suitcase and dragged it inside the place, I have to admit I was shocked for about ten seconds. There were beer bottles all over the living room together with junk food. A blonde guy around his twenties sat on the couch, remote control on his hand, looking bored. He wore only boxers.

Too young for my mom, definitely too young and alcoholic.

"Mom who the hell is that dude?" I hissed as I walked into the kitchen.

Mom was taking out a beer from the fridge. "That's Patrick, my new boyfriend."

"Boyfriend?! Where's dad?"

She shrugged. "We got a quickie divorce and he threw me out of the house. Now I live with Patrick, he's a total hottie isn't he? God that body..." her stare went dreamy.

Oh boy. Dad is never there when you need him. "Where's my room?"

"Down the hallway, left door. You better hurry 'cause seeing him like that is a huge turn on." she winked and I felt like I might vomit.

And no, its not because of my pregnancy.

Indeed they started to get to it. Gross.

I called Aidan on the way to my new room. "How's Del doing?"

"He's devastated. Tried to get out of the hospital. Scarlett he wont let you go."

"I don't want him to. All I ask is time, Mrs. Thomson said she'll help me with the custody."

"He doesn't understand any reasons. Do you want to talk to him?"

"Yes. Please, don't let anyone know I called."

"Okay, Ma'am." I could hear voices on the background and then everything was quiet.

"Scarlett? Baby where are you?" Del's voice sounded worried.

"I'm fine, my mom moved houses. Now its on seventh street. She got a divorce, maybe my dad can fight for my custody then willingly give it to your parents. I don't know what to do."

I Will Never Fall For My Husband [2013 ver.]Where stories live. Discover now