The News

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"Maharaja, the crops failed. This has never happened in our holy land which is most fertile. " A courtier said to the king joining his hands.

Devika tensed under her veil listening to this, who sat behind Maharaja. The curse was coming undone. Maharaja sighed and said, " Open the royal treasure, that could compensate the hard work of the farmers and ..." He looked at his counsellor " You have to write to my friend King Anandam to help us cope up with food shortage. And please call for Rudraksh. "

Rudraksh stood in front of Maharaja after getting the message. " Rudraksh, I want you to find the reason for crop failure and look if you could mend the situation." Rudraksh bowed and went away not before giving his sister-in-law, Devika a glance of helplessness.

The rest of the court progressed while the environment in the women council had taken a halt.

The old queen Ambika hissed to the women council. " This cursed woman, that Ashwini brought, is the reason for crop failure and many other problems yet to come. She will destroy everything that belongs to us and our holy land." Devika wasn't shocked at this atrocity; she stepped her foot in this palace knowing very well what would welcome her. " Mother Queen, you cannot blame me for anything, like you said I was brought here by Maharaja, I didn't come here on my own, I came as the wife of Maharaja. You can save your accusations for now and present them later to Maharaja." 

Her tone was angry yet logical and respectful.

The old queen was taken aback. She threw a hostile look towards Devika." Only few days in this palace, you have been and suddenly you feel like you have become the Queen! Don't forget you are just his wife. I still hold the position of the Queen. " She muttered under her breath and sat on her chair.

The maids and minor queens had a weird look on their faces. Never did they expect someone to argue with mother queen, not even Ashwini had done this before, talked her back. This was new.  This cursed princess had some guts...


"Mother, I am writing you this letter to tell you that I'll be visiting soon. Though my purpose would be meeting my half-brother Ashwini solely. Let's not forget his cursed wife too. Mother I wanted to ask you some questions - Did you fear for my life when I was banished? Did you look at Ashwini with hatred filled in your eyes? Did you not think of killing Ashwini when he was born while I was still in your womb?

I think I'll ask other questions in person, because you will need time to think for answers. May God keep you in good health, so that you keep blaming his cursed wife ..." I put the feather quill down after writing. I had a smile on my face.


"Maharaja, I want to tell you something." Amrish the army chief said to the king when Ashwini was pondering in his balcony.

"Did a bull attack the people again or was there some forest fire? " Ashwini asked monotonously. He was tensed.

"No Maharaja, nothing like that. " Amrish bowed before the king.

" Amrish, tell me what mayhem has fallen on us then? Ashwini looked towards the sky.

"Sir, A mayhem has fallen over me." Amrish pity-smiled and Ashwini looked at him with a worried face.

Ashwini made him stand and patted his shoulder to tell his problem.

"I am getting married sir; I want your and queen's blessings." He grinned.

A smile formed on Ashwini's lips. "Haha, that is truly a mayhem! Who is the lucky girl?" For a moment the tense clouds faded away. Ashwini lightly patted his back.

"Surohi , my lord." Amrish answered his eyes had a glint of happiness.

"Ah Surohi , I remember she was the one with whom my Devika ran away. " Ashwini chuckled thinking that usually a girl runs away with a boy she loves from the marriage that is arranged for her but here Devika ran way with her maid.

"Amrish, my blessings are with you. I would like to know when you are both getting married." Ashwini spoke. His voice was full of humour and happiness for his man.

"Sir not before Rajasuya ceremony, the priest told us that." Amrish told and took his leave.

At this situation, at least someone is taking positive actions, Ashwini thought.


| Smile in good times and smile in bad times. No one is supposed to steal that from you. |

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