100% Sadness (Shigeo)

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Genre: angst
Spoilers: s1 ep5
Warnings: a naked Teruki 😳

Y/n's POV:

"Shige! Shige, where are you?"

My best friend, Shigeo, had been kidnapped by Black Vinegar Middle School and I was looking for him. The only problem was that I had no idea where Black Vinegar Middle School even was in the first place.

Finding Shigeo was going to be difficult.

"Why can't there be some easier way to find this school? Finding Shigeo is going to take years!" I muttered.

My mind was in a panicked state as I wandered around Seasoning City hopelessly. I had no idea how I was going to get directions! Asking random strangers seemed too desperate, and my phone was dead, so pulling up a map wasn't an option. I was basically stranded at this point.

I wished that the Body Improvement Club had waited for me. As soon as I had shown them the fake love letter, they were determined to save their clubmate, which resulted in leaving me behind.

They must really care for Shigeo, huh? I smiled. They're so sweet.

Around an hour had passed and I was still walking aimlessly around town. A part of me wanted to throw in the towel and go home, but I knew I had to find Shigeo. I had to make sure he was alright!

But then I remembered that Shigeo can already handle himself pretty well. He was a powerful esper capable of doing anything. Maybe... he would be alright.

Even then, I still felt the desire to make sure nothing had happened to him. After all, Black Vinegar Middle School students were known for being hostile and violent, especially their ring leader, Teruki Hanazawa.

Sudden screams and cries filled the air out of nowhere. I stopped in my tracks and searched for the location of the screams. There was a small family that huddled together on the sidewalk. I approached them.

"What happened?" I asked.

The father glanced at me funny as he held his child, but his wife answered. "There's giant clumps of rubble floating in the sky!"

I looked up at the sky and let out a soft gasp. The woman was right! Humongous pieces of building rubble was headed straight for the clouds and even a few people as well. I couldn't believe my eyes at the sight before an idea appeared inside my head.


I dashed away from the family and forced my non-athletic legs to comply with what my brain wanted. Gasping and panting, I tried to follow in the same direction where the rubble had come from, and I eventually arrived at a giant, empty lot with a brick wall surrounding it. There was a sign that read:

Black Vinegar Middle School.

"Oh, no... Shige..."

I picked up my pace and found my best friend on all fours in the dirt. His entire body was slowly rocking back and forth, and a quiet sound escaped his trembling lips.

He was sobbing.

"Shige, are you ok?" I asked softly as I cautiously approached him. I crouched down to his level and got myself settled in a kneeling position. I reached my hand out and rubbed his back up and down, hoping to comfort him.

Shigeo looked up at me. "Y/n...?"

His face was tearstained and his eyes were glowing white. Maybe his powers had gotten out of control again.

"I'm here, Shige."

I held my arms out to signal that I was wanting to hug my sad friend. I wanted to be there for him like he always was for me. Shigeo deserved the world, no matter what he might think of himself. I wanted to be the one to help him this time.

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