When They See You Cry

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• Shigeo's heart will break on the spot if he ever saw you cry

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• Shigeo's heart will break on the spot if he ever saw you cry

• He'll approach you and ask if you need anything, whether it's a hug, a kiss, a snack, etc.

• Then, if you're willing to tell him why you're crying, he'll listen to you carefully

• Shigeo will ask if there's anything he can do to help, and then he'll do anything you ask him to


• At first, Reigen would flip out, not knowing what to do

• Then, he'd calm down once he realizes that panicking wasn't going to solve the problem

• He'll start by awkwardly giving you a hug, since he doesn't have much experience with taking care of sad people

• After that, he'll let you talk it out before taking you out for ramen or whatever your favorite food is


• Ritsu would start off calm and ask you if you'd like to talk about what happened

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• Ritsu would start off calm and ask you if you'd like to talk about what happened

• He'll let you snuggle with him, which doesn't happen very often. He'll stroke your hair, hoping that doing so will calm you down

• Ritsu will also pull up a movie for you both to watch together as a way to temporarily distract you from your pain

• Later, he will go find the person who hurt you (if there is one) and beat them up. Nobody messes with his Y/n and gets away without a fight


• Teruki is experienced with comforting women, so he'll know just what to do

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• Teruki is experienced with comforting women, so he'll know just what to do

• He'll cover you up with a blanket, cuddle up next to you, and let you cry into his shoulder

• If you choose to tell him what's wrong, he'll listen and even give you gentle back rubs to help calm you down

• Like Ritsu, he'll go beat up the person who made you cry (if there is one)


• At first, Sho would tease you about it, not realizing that you were serious

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• At first, Sho would tease you about it, not realizing that you were serious

• Once he sees that teasing only made you cry worse, he'll stop and snuggle you from behind

• He'll pepper you with kisses and apologize for teasing you because he genuinely feels bad about it

• If given permission from you, he will go commit arson on the house of the person guilty of making you cry (if there is one)

I felt like writing a little angst this morning. I hope you like it ☺️

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