First Dates

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I just barely remembered that I made nine headcanon thingies for this book back in November and forgot to post them. I'm so sorry 😭


ᐧ Shigeo would take you somewhere quiet like the Seasoning City Park

ᐧ He would bring a picnic basket full of food for you and him to share

ᐧ Beforehand, he would ask you what your favorite snacks and food are so he can come prepared

ᐧ Expect him to be super nervous since he never expected you to accept his invitation
ᐧ As you gazed at the clouds together, you grabbed hold of his hand

ᐧ He became a blushing and stuttering mess after that haha

ᐧ Overall, he had a great time and wanted to take you out again


ᐧ Reigen took you out for dinner at a fancy restaurant

ᐧ He and Shigeo had gotten a huge sum of money recently after a job, so he wanted to treat you to something nice

ᐧ You both dressed up and looked absolutely stunning (I know you looked fabulous, dear Reader 😉)

ᐧ Reigen tried faking his confidence like he does with his clients. You could see right through him

ᐧ Thankfully, dinner was peaceful and you two had a wonderful, in-depth conversation that lasted the entire date

ᐧ Reigen couldn’t take his eyes off you

ᐧ After dinner was over, Reigen paid and held the door open for you (he’s definitely the gentleman type)


ᐧ You and Ritsu had a movie date at his house

ᐧ He had asked Shigeo to help him set up a cozy environment for the two of you. There were fairy lights set up, lots of soft pillows and blankets scattered around the couch, and a large selection of movies and snacks

ᐧ He ultimately didn’t care what movie you picked since he wanted to treat you like the queen you are

ᐧ When you arrived, Shigeo acted as a caterer until Ritsu told him he didn’t have to do that

ᐧ You picked a movie and then sat close to Ritsu as you watched the movie

ᐧ Ritsu was able to hide his nerves until you started cuddling with him. That was when he started blushing like a madman

ᐧ Shigeo watched the two of you to make sure you weren’t getting into trouble. He fell asleep halfway through the movie


ᐧ Teruki took you rock wall climbing since he wanted to show off how strong he is without relying on his psychic abilities

ᐧ Outcome 1 (for thrill seekers):

ᐧ You proved to be both stronger and faster than him as you made your way to the top of the rock wall first

ᐧ Teruki was too stunned to speak

ᐧ Outcome 2 (for people like me who are definitely not thrill seekers):

ᐧ He definitely beat you to the top. No cap. In fact, you were too scared to even start climbing

ᐧ Teruki felt bad, so he hopped back down and used his psychic powers to hold onto you as you slowly gained the confidence to climb. He held onto you the entire time


ᐧ Since Sho loves art, he set up a couple of canvases for you and him to paint on

ᐧ It surprised you when you realized he was planning to do something low energy since he’s the “jump-off-the-walls” type of person

ᐧ Sho came up with the ultimate challenge to see if you could paint each other successfully

ᐧ Whether you’re confident in your drawing abilities or not, you two started sketching and painting. Sho made sure to draw you to perfection because that’s how he sees you

ᐧ If you’re an artist, he was amazed by your ability to draw him so well

ᐧ  If you’re not an artist, he still loved your drawing of him

ᐧ  In fact, he hung your painting up in his room (artist or not)

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