If You Have Autism

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I made this one because I've been suspecting that I have autism myself for about a year now. Autism is different for everyone, so I tried to make the scenario as generic as possible. Hopefully this relates to most of my autistic readers ❤️


ᐧ He has autism too, so he doesn’t mind at all (just my lil headcanon)

ᐧ He loves listening to you talk about your special interests, and he might actually develop some of those interests himself

ᐧ If you’re upset, he’ll take all the right precautions to calm you down. It’s easier for him to catch on due to his personal experiences

ᐧ If you go nonverbal, he’ll learn sign language so he can communicate with you


ᐧ He doesn’t get it at first, but he’ll do extensive research until he does get it

ᐧ He’d try to pamper you more than he usually does, but he’ll stop once he realizes that doing that upsets you

ᐧ He’ll buy you the softest weighted blanket he could find to make up for it

ᐧ After that, he’ll pay more attention to your needs than constantly trying to please you


ᐧ Since he’s grown up with Shigeo, he understands completely

ᐧ He’ll be there for you if you need anything

ᐧ If anyone teases or bullies you, he’ll instantly beat the crap out of them. No one should be allowed to treat you like that

ᐧ If there’s something he doesn’t know, he’ll either ask you or Shigeo for a better understanding. He wants to do all that he can to help you feel comfortable around him


ᐧ He doesn’t treat you any differently than he did before (with some minor alterations, of course)

ᐧ He still thinks of you as his princess and wouldn’t want you to feel like you’re anything less than that

ᐧ There’s nothing he won’t do for you, seriously

ᐧ He thinks your happy stims are adorable and he could watch those all day


ᐧ He’ll buy you ALL the fidget toys! :D

ᐧ There’ll be times when he’s unintentionally inconsiderate of your needs, but he’ll make it up to you as soon as he’s made aware of the problem

ᐧ He won’t take you to places that have lots of loud noises or bright lights to avoid overstimulating you

ᐧ While he can be ignorant at times, he still tries his

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