When You Steal Their Hoodie

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ᐧ Shigeo has a lot of hoodies, so he probably wouldn’t even notice at first

ᐧ In fact, he’d definitely be wearing a hoodie when he finally catches on

ᐧ You two would be hanging out and he’d think to himself, “Huh, Y/n has a similar hoodie to that one I have at home…”

ᐧ He was so surprised when you pointed it out to him. Luckily, he didn’t mind that much


ᐧ Reigen would definitely notice at first glance

ᐧ His bear hoodie is so weird that he’d wonder why in the world you’d want to wear it

ᐧ To embarrass you, he’d relentlessly flirt and tease you until you gave it back to him

ᐧ When you did give it back, he put it back on himself and admired how it now smelled like you


ᐧ Ritsu’s hoodie is his comfort item, so he panicked at the thought of it going missing

ᐧ Thankfully, you had it and not some random hoodie thief

ᐧ He was pretty grumpy about it, but once you gave it back, he was happy again

ᐧ He secretly thought it looked good on you 😉


ᐧ Teruki would let you keep it if I’m being honest

ᐧ Every time he saw you in it, he complimented how well it fitted you and that you looked cute

ᐧ He actually bought another hoodie for himself so you two could match

ᐧ He was just happy that you liked his old hoodie


ᐧ Sho was honestly expecting something like this to happen eventually. He wasn’t surprised in the slightest

ᐧ In preparation, he made sure to own at least two hoodies, and he kept one as strict backup in case the first one got stolen

ᐧ So when you attempted to surprise him with his “stolen” hoodie, he jumped out wearing his back up with a grin on his face

ᐧ He snuggled you tight and reminded you just how beautiful you look

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