A Walk in the Park (Ritsu)

571 15 49

Requested By: Im_scaredlol
Genre: fluff
Warnings: none
Spoilers: none

Y/n's POV

"C'mon, Ritsu, pick up..." I mumbled to myself.

I was feeling really anxious. Sho Suzuki, my best friend, had encouraged me to ask Ritsu Kageyama out on a date as soon as he heard the news that I liked the ravenette boy. Honestly, I would've just preferred that Sho would stay out of my business, but I knew I had to before he chose to spill my secret to Ritsu himself.

That dang Sho can't be trusted, can he? I sighed. I sat comfortably on my bed.

Ritsu still wasn't answering my call. I considered just hanging up before I heard a breathy voice shout, "Hello?"

I fumbled with the phone in my hands and somehow managed to secure it before replying with a nervous: "Yes?"

"Sorry, Y/n, I was picking my brother up from the mall. He was hanging out with Tome and the gang before getting himself lost," Ritsu explained. "I had to run over there to go find him. That's why I sound out of breath."

"Oh, it's-- it's alright." Dang it! Why am I stuttering now?!

"Is there something you needed?" Ritsu asked.

"Um, actually... I was-- I was wondering if you'd like to... um... go out sometime?" I stammered.

There was a moment of silence from Ritsu's end of the call before he finally answered. "Like out on a date or something?"

I self-consciously nod, even though there's no one around. "Y-yeah, like a date."

More silence followed and I was starting to get nervous. Was he going to reject me?

"Sure, I'll go out with you," Ritsu agreed.

I tried my hardest not to squeal.

"Where do you want to go?"

"Oh, how about the park? It's really peaceful there and no one will bother us," I suggested.

"Sounds good. I'll pick you up tomorrow at 10 am."

"I'll be ready," I promised.

"Alright, see you then."

"See ya!"

Ritsu hung up. I carefully set my phone down on my nightstand, lightly placed my hands over my mouth, and squealed excitedly. I was going on a date with Ritsu! Tomorrow was going to be the best day ever!

Time Skip

Ritsu's POV

I was standing outside the L/n's front door, anxiously trying to decide whether or not I should even knock on the door. Ever since Y/n herself had asked me out yesterday, there was a lingering feeling of butterflies that wouldn't stop.

"Hey, Ritsu, is everything alright? Your face is red," Shige had asked the day before. He was closely observing my behavior as soon as my phone call with Y/n had ended.

I touched my face and it did indeed feel hot. "Y-yeah, I'm fine. I was just asked out on a date, that's all."

Shige's dark eyes lit up. "Really? You're so cool, Ritsu! Who asked you?"

"Y/n L/n," I simply answered. There was no point in lying to him.

"Wow, you really are amazing," Shige gushed. "I'm so proud of you."

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