???% (Shigeo)

549 12 7

Requested By: rinthedevil2

Genre: angsty fluff

Spoilers: Season 3; ???% Arc

Warnings: none


Y/n's POV:

Seasoning City was in shambles. Buildings were destroyed, the streets were cracked and crumbled, and thousands of lives were in mortal danger. People were saying it was an earthquake, but this appeared to be more serious than just an earthquake.

I was anxiously waiting for any updates on the situation inside Reigen's office. He and his most recent employee, Serizawa, were just as worried as I was. It had been about an hour since we had last heard from Shigeo, and we couldn't get a hold of him. As a result of the disaster, everyone's cellphones went static any time someone tried to call for help.

"Man, this earthquake sucks..." Reigen mumbled as he watched the News station. "And it's long too."

Serizawa checked his phone. "This says there are accidents and crashes happening everywhere. The cause is unknown. Most of the roads in Seasoning City are apparently backed up due to restricted access. Oh, looks like an evacuation order's been issued."

"I just hope Shigeo's ok." I could hear my voice wobble.

"Aw, Shigeo was gonna ask that girl out," Serizawa remembered.

My heart sank.

He was going to ask Tsubomi out today.

"Yeah, that's not happening today," Reigen concluded. He hummed curiously when he noticed how disappointed I was. "Hey, Y/n, you doing alright?"

I flinched a little when I felt Reigen's firm hand touch my shoulder. "Y-yeah, I'm fine."

"You don't sound fine." Reigen scooted closer to me. "What's wrong?"

I avoided eye contact with him and instead shifted my focus to the tiled floor instead. Now wasn't the time for self-pity. "It's... it's nothing."

Reigen sighed, almost as if sudden realization hit him. "It's about Mob, isn't it?"

I jolted up almost instantly, my head turning to face Reigen. I knew he could sense the fear in my eyes after realizing I had been caught. "I..."

"I know you like him," Reigen continued. His stare was filled with compassion. "As soon as he told me his plans of asking that other girl out, I wondered if you knew about it yourself."

My lower lip trembled and I had to force myself to hold back the tears threatening to spill. I did know about Shigeo's crush on Tsubomi. It hurt so bad to think about. Instead of replying to Reigen's observation, I slowly nodded. I could see a flash of hurt in Reigen's eyes as he went in to hug me.

"It's alright, kiddo. These things happen. I am so sorry." Reigen's touch was comforting and secure. Did he genuinely feel this way or was he pitying me?

A short rumble shook the Consultation Office, breaking a shard off Reigen's clay teacup. This caught him off-guard and he immediately stood up, causing our hug to end short.

"Serizawa, could you hold up anything loose, please?" Reigen asked.

Serizawa nodded and held up the books sitting on a bookshelf using his psychic abilities. He was still checking his phone for updates.

Reigen stood by the window with his phone in his hand. He looked very nervous. "It really isn't dying down. I guess we better comply with the evacuation orders too."

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