When You See Them Cry

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Hope you enjoy this little part 2 to the last headcanon chapter! ❤️


• Shigeo would hide his sadness best to his abilities, but would eventually break and start crying

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• Shigeo would hide his sadness best to his abilities, but would eventually break and start crying

• When this happens, it would be best to take him someplace comfortable (like the couch) and give him plenty of hugs and kisses

• He also appreciates it when you're willing to listen to him and be understanding

• Sometimes, once he's done crying it all out, he'll fall asleep from mental exhaustion, usually while you're still cuddling


• Reigen hardly cries openly, so he'll be embarrassed if you ever catch him crying

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• Reigen hardly cries openly, so he'll be embarrassed if you ever catch him crying

• He'll try to dismiss whatever it is that's bothering him, but you'll have to let him know that you're not going to tease him or anything like that

• After that, he'll cling to you for an hour at most and continue to cry it all out, whether it's quiet or incredibly loud. It's different depending on how upset he is

• Afterwards, you might ask him if he'd like to go see the puppies, and he'll eagerly agree


• Since Ritsu is more reserved, he doesn't often cry in front of others

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• Since Ritsu is more reserved, he doesn't often cry in front of others. Also, because of his inferiority complex, he hates showing any signs of weakness and vulnerability

• He'll be reluctant to accept comfort from you, but will take it just to avoid hurting your feelings

• Once he feels safe in your arms, he'll become more relaxed and continue crying. He'll also refuse to talk about it most of the time

• If you offer to put on a drama movie for him, he'll accept with a simple head nod. Then you'll watch one of his favorite dramas together


• When Teruki's upset, he wouldn't want to bother you about it, so he'll hide it for a while

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• When Teruki's upset, he wouldn't want to bother you about it, so he'll hide it for a while

• Eventually, he'll grow tired of keeping his charade up, and he'll start crying unexpectedly

• When that happens, he'll realize that you'll want to help him feel better and allow you to do so

• Cuddles and a movie are just what he needs to feel better. He'll also appreciate it if you rub his back


• Sho HATES crying in front of you

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• Sho HATES crying in front of you. In fact, he'll do everything in his willpower to avoid doing so

• However, you're able to see right through him and he eventually let's his guard down

• He'll try and refuse any help from you, but he doesn't really mean it. He does want you to care for him, but he just has a hard time expressing that

• All he needs from you is patience and understanding

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