What Dating Each Boy Is Like

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• Shigeo is very shy, meaning he isn't too big on PDA

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• Shigeo is very shy, meaning he isn't too big on PDA

• However, this doesn't mean he won't accept any hugs or kisses from you

• In fact, he loves it when you cuddle with him after a long day. It helps him relax, which will be especially helpful if he recently reached 100%

• Shigeo loves going places with you

• His favorite place to take you is the Seasoning City Park because it's peaceful and reminds him of his childhood

• If he feels it's necessary, he'll cancel work plans with Reigen just so that he can hang out with you (Don't worry, Reigen is alright with it)

• There will be days when you'll have to calm him down after he reaches 100%, and he hopes he isn't a burden on you because of this

• Please give the cinnamon roll as much love as you can. He really needs it ❤️


• Reigen is alright with PDA, but usually isn't the first to lead with it

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• Reigen is alright with PDA, but usually isn't the first to lead with it

• This is because he wants to have a professional appearance in front of his clients and Shigeo

• However, when the two of you are alone, he'll pepper you with kisses along your face and neck

• Something you both like to do together is give each other massages. Being adults can create a lot of stress and tension in your muscles, so it's nice to relax yourselves every once in a while

• On Reigen's days off from work, he'll sometimes take you to the animal shelter to check out all the cute animals (mostly the puppies, if we're being honest here)

• The two of you are basically like parents to Shigeo. There was even an instance when Shigeo told you that you'd both be great parents, making you both blush

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