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These are just random headcanons I have for each of the boys. I'll write separate headcannons about you and your favorite boy soon. I hope you enjoy!

-Teruki and Sho LOVE singing duets at the karaoke place together (I'll actually use this one in my Shigeo x Reader book 😉)

-Shigeo most likely won't sing, but he'll try his best to dance along or play the tambourine (He's kinda bad at it though)

-Ritsu will refuse to sing

-That's when Sho decides to step in and literally force the emo child to sing at least one song with him

-If Reigen happened to join a karaoke session, then OH BOY

-He will literally steal the spotlight and will most likely sing all the songs written by girls (to show of his ability to hit high notes)

-Ritsu is an emo. I can totally see it

-I can also imagine him blasting Bohemian Rhapsody when he's alone in his bedroom (either that or My Chemical Romance, but I'm not a huge fan of them)


-Then, during the guitar solo after that, he'll air guitar the whole thing

-One time, Shigeo caught him and Ritsu resulted to only having his music sessions when nobody else was home

-Teruki goes cross country skiing during the winter time to blow off some steam every once and a while

-He also likes how good of an exercise he gets from it

-Sometimes he'll invite Shigeo to ski with him

-He'll have to keep an eye on Shigeo, however, because, the first time they cross country skied together, Shigeo got lost on the track and Teruki had to search for him

-Sho gets hyper on caffeine

-Like a CRAZY amount hyper

-Sho will start trembling and talking really fast. He'll even have random urges to just run around the room he's in

-There was one time he gave Shigeo whatever it was he was drinking, and it ended in disaster

-Shigeo's progress towards explosion reached 100 SO FAST that it was unbelievable!

-He was at 100% Hyperactive

-It took forever before everyone could calm Shigeo down, and Ritsu punched Sho in the face for giving his brother caffeine

-Reigen loves to privately visit the rescue dogs in his free time

-He wants so badly to adopt one, but he knows it won't work out, due to his living situation

-The owners of the shelter understand and don't mind it if he just visits and keeps the dogs company

-Reigen is embarrassed to tell Shigeo

-Shigeo doesn't like big crowds

-He'll ask Ritsu to hold his hand if they ever go into one because he feels so scared

-Ritsu will make sure his brother won't get lost because he doesn't want Shigeo to explode or have a panic attack of the sort

Those are all the headcanons that I can think of for now, but I'll make another part if I ever think of any more

I'll also be making some headcanon chapters about what it's like to date each boy ❤️

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