That Little Troublemaker... (Young!Reigen)

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Requested By: gettinJiggywithit

Genre: fluff, AU (where Reigen is in middle school)

Spoilers: none

Warnings: none

Extra: Both you and Reigen are in middle school. This isn't an age swap AU because Shigeo and the others aren't grown up. This is just a little peek into Reigen's past


Reigen's POV:

My name is Reigen Arataka.

And I've done some pretty stupid things.

All around Salt Middle School, I'm known as the school's "easy bait". All the taller and stronger kids like to poke fun at me and even beat me up sometimes. I do my best to fight back, but they never take me seriously. It's a little difficult getting through school because of this.

I would say I have no friends, but that would be an obvious lie. I have two friends that I consider to be my family.

Their names are Katsuya Serizawa and Y/n L/n.

Serizawa is the timid one out of the three of us, while Y/n is mostly rational. I am the reckless one, which is something they both don't fully appreciate.

I think I have a good relationship with the both of them. Although, I'm just slightly closer with Y/n than Serizawa. Y/n and I have this amazing duo-like relationship where I'm the one always getting in trouble, and Y/n has to get me out of it. Y/n has always been there for me in times of great need, even if she doesn't need to be. Like I've said before, I've done a lot of stupid things.

There was one day that I had really screwed up. And I mean- really screwed up.

"Arataka!" Ryuu Ose barked.

I turned my head to face the bully. "What do you want, Ose? I'm kinda busy here."

I wasn't busy. I was only hanging around outside. Ose didn't seem to buy it at all.

"A little birdie told me you've been going around talking crap about me," Ose growled.

"Who? Saburo?" I chuckled. "Saburo's the biggest lier in this entire school."

"Somehow, I highly doubt it," Ose scoffed. "You've probably lied more times than I can count."

"So..." I did the math. "Seven."

Ose's cheeks flushed red with anger. "I can count higher than seven, you moron!"

"Is that so?" I teased. "I clearly don't expect a lot from you, then."

Ose clutched the collar of my uniform jacket in his meaty fist, then raised me up to his level. "How dare you insult me like that, Arataka! I'm gonna pound you into the ground- right here, right now."

"B-but I'm busy!" I pleaded.

"To me, it looks like you're not doing anything important." Ose tossed me aside like I was a pathetic animal. "Let's get this over with."

I jumped up to my feet and proceeded to roll up my sleeves. "Do your worst."

Ose cracked his knuckles. "You bet."

With every attack Ose attempted to lay on me, I did my best to dodge them to the best of my abilities. However, my success didn't last long when my Ose caught sight of my movements becoming slower. He took advantage of that and eventually landed all his punches on me.

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