Hot Springs (All Except Reigen)

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Requested By: -tokidoki

Genre: Maybe lime??, Fluff

Spoilers: s2 E-OVA

Warnings: slight skin showing

Extra: I added Shou to this one even though he isn't in the actual OVA

3rd Person POV:

As Shigeo, Ritsu, and Y/n met up with their Master Reigen at the train station, they couldn't help but feel excited (Well, except for Ritsu). Reigen had invited them all along to go on a one night trip to a hot spring!

Y/n personally had never been to a hot spring, so she was a little nervous.

"Hey, Master!" Mob greeted Reigen. The newest member of the crew, Serizawa was right behind Reigen with a giant suitcase.

"Hey, Mob! Glad you could make it. You too, Ritsu and Y/n." Reigen smiled.

"Thank you for inviting me!" Y/n bowed.

"Thank you, I guess," Ritsu said dully.

"At least pretend to be excited!" Reigen pleaded. He turned to Serizawa. "Dang, just how long did you think this trip would be? We're only staying for a night."

"Well, I was packing some 'just in case' items. A few hours passed and now I'm here," Serizawa mumbled nervously. "I had a hard time sleeping last night."

"I understand, Serizawa. There are nights when I can't sleep too. Those nights are usually right before a school field trip," Shigeo rambled.

"Let's get on the train before it takes off without us," Reigen warned.

Time Skip

"Hey, Mob?" Y/n asked as she played with the bottom of her shirt.

"Yeah?" Shigeo directed his attention towards Y/n.

"I've never been to a hot spring before. Is it scary?" Y/n prepared for laughter but was surprised when she didn't hear any.

"It isn't scary, I promise," Shigeo reassured. "The water will be hot but that's just about it. You might end up being separated from the rest of us though since you're the only girl with us."

"Yeah, don't worry about it. You'll be just fine," Ritsu added.

Y/n smiled. "Thank you! I feel a lot better now."

"Hey, I'm going to go find the bathroom real quick," Ritsu announced. He rised from his seat.

"I'll come with you. I've been holding it in for quite a while." Shigeo stood up to join his brother.

"Alright, I'll let you go first." Ritsu and Shigeo left Y/n alone with Serizawa and Reigen, who had fallen asleep by the entrance of a tunnel.

Man, they must be really tired, Y/n thought.

What she didn't know was that both Reigen and Serizawa were experiencing a terrible nightmare...

Once they had arrived at the hot spring's main inn, Reigen and Serizawa were still passed out from the train ride.

"Hmm, maybe I should levitate them for now. I'd feel bad for waking them," Shigeo suggested.

"Here, I'll take Serizawa," Y/n offered. Using her psychic powers, she lifted Serizawa around four feet into the air.

"Thank you, Y/n." Shigeo did the same with Reigen.

"Hey, guys!"

Shigeo, Y/n, and Ritsu turned their heads around and saw Teru and Shou standing behind them.

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