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we have come for the holidays to my parents' house..
I took the opportunity these days to tease Charles knowing that he can't do anything because my parents are in the next room, but that changed when my parents had to leave for 2 days.

"Mom, can't you arrange it for another day?"
"I'm sorry honey, but it can't be done" my mother replies hugging me "have fun with Charles and we'll be back before you know it"

after I greeted my parents I closed the door and went to sit next to Charles we had turned on the fireplace because it was cold before I could sit down Charles pulled me between his legs I felt my cheeks redden
"this is not the time to blush" he tells me and I feel his hand touch my leg and squeeze it, "Charles" I say and feel the warmth between my legs I let out a soft moan
"what's up baby do you like me touching you?" he tells me and bites a spot behind my ear, he knows I like him when he does that. 'Charles I need you" I say and I bite my lips "not so fast baby I need to tease you first" he tells me before moving his hand between my legs feeling how hot I was for him "so hot and wet for me already hm"
"I-i am not wet what are you talking about?"
"Oh baby don't lie I can feel how wet you are and I haven't even start yet" he tells me and he starts kissing my neck biting it making me moan he smiles and stops I feel his hand going under my hoodie and touching my nipple pulling it softly while he starts kissing my neck again im sure he have left marks but I didn't care I finally turned around putting my hands pulling him close to me and start kissing him my tongue was playing with his I bite his lip and I pull it while he lets out a moan looking in the eyes his eyes have gotten more darker and I knew I was in trouble after so much teasing this past days.

with one movement I was lying down and Charles was on top of me he took off my sweatshirt and threw it on the couch he started kissing me again this time more passionately as soon as he stopped kissing me he started going down my neck biting him I gently closed my eyes doing I put my head back, giving him more access to continue kissing me, he stayed a little longer and then he reached my breast, my hand immediately went to his hair, pulling some tufts, he started biting my nipples and pulling them with his teeth, "Charles, please, I can't take it anymore, I want you inside me" I tell him and he continues what he was doing, he continued to go down and pulled my pants and threw them on the sofa, he opened my legs and started kissing between my legs and biting them as he went closer and closer to where I wanted I just felt his breath near my entrance I moaned but he didn't stay there he continued to bite my legs "what do you want baby hmm? you have to tell me" he says and I see him raise his head to look at me, I felt a knot in my neck "I can stay here waiting for you to answer" he says and bends down biting my clit above my underwear and I immediately close my legs but he grabbed them and opened them he placed him self between them "now baby say what do you want from me" he asks me one more time "I need you between my legs" I say but he doesn't move "try again baby" he tells me putting his hand above my underwear touching my clit "I -I need you to eat me out please" I say looking in his eyes "good girl see it wasn't that hard" he answers pulling my underwear in the side "mon Ange you are so wet" he tells me again and I feel his tongue in my clit doing circle movement "f-fuck" i say while moaning "that's what I'm trying to do baby" he tells me and his tongue moves in my entrance pushing it inside I drop my head back closing my eyes enjoying every lick from his tongue "Charles please I want to cum" I say grabbing his hair pulling it and he lets out a moan "hold on baby not yet" he tells me moving his tongue in my clit again and I feel him pushing his finger inside me and i arch my back his hand pushed me back in my position "don't you dare move again because you are going to regret it  do you understand?" he tells me and I just nod he kept moving his finger in out of me after a while a felt another finger in me and then another three of his fingers were inside me going in and out fast I felt that I was going to cum really soon "cum for me baby" he tells me and his fingers are going more faster while he keeps licking my clit I couldn't hold my self anymore and I let go I feel my legs shaking but Charles keeps them open sucking all my juices away looking at me smiling "good girl baby,now let me feel your perfect little mouth around my cock" he says he took his shirt of throwing it next to us  next he was pulling down his jeans and underwear now he was standing front of me naked i got in my knees and he came closer touching his tip on my lips "now open this pretty little mouth for me and let me fuck it" he tells me and I open my mouth he slides inside my mouth and I feel his cock touching the back of my throat "fuck you feel so good" he says and start moving and out of my mouth each time hitting the back of my throat  groans and moans where coming out of his mouth making me touch my clit again he looked at me and when he saw my hand in my clit he smirked "my little slut touching your clit while I fuck your mouth how naughty" he pulled out of my mouth and I looked at him "why did you pull out ?" I say and I put my hand on his cock moving it up and down "I need to feel you " he tells me and stops my hand I lay down and I feel him between my legs his hand was moving his cock in my entrance up and down teasing me again  "Charles please" I say and I feel his cock pushing inside me and I gasped from how big he was each time he was pushing more and more inside me until he reached my g spot my nails were scratching his back each thrust felt so good he was doing everything slow making sure I felt everything "you are so tight baby" he tells me while thrusting in me harder "oh my god Charles" I say and my nails go deeper in his skin I feel his hand between our bodies above my clit I looked at him I needed him to touch me there  but he turned me around laying on top of me his chest was touching my back now,I felt his breath in my ears "now baby let's make you cum again" he says and get inside me again we both moan from pleasure his hand moves in my clit and starts playing with it making me moan again and again his other hand grubs my hand and I feel him starting to thrust this time harder and deeper I felt that my second orgasm was near it was the first time I was seeing starts from so much pleasure I feel him pulling out  "next time you tease me and you don't let me touch you I will make sure you never cum" he tells me and I feel him thrusting harder inside me, my juices were now all around Charles cock making him moan "such a good girl" he tells me and I feel him getting close as well "cum inside me Charles" I say and he starts moving faster until I feel his warm cum inside me "fuck mon ange" he says and pulls out his cum was dripping out of my pussy but I felt him pushing his cock inside me and his cum as well "my cum needs to be inside you" he tells me with out pulling out he was laying down next to me while his cock was inside me he grabbed the blanked that was behind us covering our naked bodies "sleep baby you need to rest because I'm not done with you" he tells me and kisses me in the neck I close my eyes with his arms around me feeling safe.

Charles leclerc - one shots 18+Where stories live. Discover now