I hate you

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Let's say that you and Charles always hated each other in the track and out of it you were in a club with all the f1 drivers and their girlfriends celebrating your teams big winning.

You were totally having fun with the girls dancing around and laughing until you are met with two pair of dark green eyes and oh boy you knew who that was and you smirked to your self as you walked up to him.

"Didn't expect to see you here Leclerc?" You say with a sarcastic tone

"I couldn't miss your party right your celebration , so I thought to bring you a present as well" he says and his happy that you looked shocked

"Well thanks I didn't expect this from you since you hate me so much, where's the present?" You ask him as you look at his hands but he smiles "I have it outside in my car" he says and makes you follow him but before you get out of the club you are pushed somewhere dark that no one can see you or him "I'm fucking done with you been a smart ass today" he tells you as he pushes you in the wall as he turns you around so your back touches his chest and you do feel him really close to you "get away Leclerc it's not my fault that you didn't win today" you say with anger back "oh but it is because you made me get off the track today with your stupidity" he says "I knew from the moment that i saw you that I will hate you" you say back and you hear him laugh

"likewise darling" he says and he turns you around so you can see him "so let me give you your present he says and before you could answer his lips were at yours you started pushing him away but nothing he grabbed your hands and holds them behind your back with one of his "come on stop resisting, even if we hate each other this body of yours fuck" he says as he looks down at your smaller figure

you felt hot between your legs from the way he was looking at you he saw the way you closed your legs and smirked "let me help you with that" he says and he pulls you with him as he sits in a small chair pulling you on top of him grabbing your face with one pulling you closer and kisses you as his other hand is going under your dress and he pulls it up so only your underwear is on view but he doesn't touch you there "just fucking touch me already"

you say and he smiles "oh I will touch you, but look how the roles have changed you begin to be touched from someone you hate in one single move he tore your underwear of you and he moved his hand down between your legs "oh mon dieu you are so fucking wet for someone you hate" he says as his thumb starts playing with your clit making you hiss and roll your eyes at the back of your head "fuck" you say and you start to move your self a little to make your self come faster but he stops "ah no you are coming on my cock tonight" he says and you laugh

"in your dreams leclerc" you say back but you feel him unzipping his pants and gets his hard cock out "well as you wish" he says and with one single movement he was inside you and it was hurting because he didn't even get you wet the bastard "what no talking now?" He starts thrusting inside you making you moan "such a cock slut" he says and you feel a slap across your face " what the fuck leclerc" you say and you look at him "say my last name one more time and it will happen again from now on you only call me by my name understood?" You don't answer he puts his hand around your throat squeezing it "I said do you understand?" You nod and he lets go from your throat "good"

it's the last thing you hear before he starts thrusting faster your small figure moving on top of him he pulls your dress strings down reviewing your breast and can't hold him self and start kissing you there and sucks on your nipple "oh shit" you say and he doesn't stop when he is finished with one of your boobs his moving to the other one sucking it his hand moving down to your clit playing with it with out stopping his pace you couldn't even talk of how good you felt "oh I feel you squeeze me you are about to cum" he says and you do with one last thrust you both come together and you lay on top of him with him still inside you "maybe I don't hate you as much as i thought"  you say with out a breath "yeah me too" he says back making both of you smile

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