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It was one of those nights that Charles wanted to go out with you and his family but you wanted to tease him knowing that he hates it when you do that.

He was in the bathroom all dressed up just fixing his hair as he see you behind him from the mirror wearing one of his favourite dresses that hugs your perfect body and he smiles as you walk up to him and he turns around to face you as pulls you closer and you start play with his tie "you look gorgeous mon amour" he tells you as he looks down to meet your eyes and that's  because of the height difference even with high heels you are sorter then him you gave him a kiss in the lips "thank you baby but we need to go" you tell him and he agrees and you leave your apartment together.

As you sit in the restaurant with his family you all chat for different things your hand was on his knee and you moved a bit higher on his thigh making jump a little but not much so no one noticed he turned to look at you and got closer on your ear "stop teasing because you know what's going to happen" you looked at him " I didn't do anything baby" you say and you giggle as your hand touches more higher but before you get it where you wanted he grabbed your hand "stop it"

As soon as you stepped inside your apartment Charles was really mad with all the teasing " get in the room undress your self and I'll be right there" he tells you and you get in the bedroom starting to get your clothes off and you lay on the bed waiting for him to come in the room when your hear his steps getting closer you felt yourself getting hot between your legs.

"My naughty little girl you wanted to tease me today huh? Well I'm going to show you how it feels to be teased" he says as he gets him self undressed you licked at your lips and looked at him with innocent eyes "ah no you don't look at me with those eyes you knew what you were doing" he says as he pulls your body at the end of the bed and he kneels down he opens your legs and brings his head closer to where you want him the most " look at me and don't you dare to make a noise" he says and you feel his lips
On your clit sucking it your back arched and he put his hand on your hips to push it back down.

"Charles fuck" you say with a moan and he slaps you leg "i said don't make any noice or I'll stop" he couldn't stop licking and sucking your hand is down on his arm while he holds your legs open and you start feel your legs shake "already darling?" He asks and you gasped because you knew better than to talk "do you want to come?" He asks as he pulls his head away and you nod your head "too bad that won't happen" he says as he moves away "no please Charles you can't leave me like that" you say with a sob "I told you that you know what will happen if you continue to tease me on the restaurant and you didn't listen so that's what you getting" he says and lays next to you pulling you closer "if you behave the entire night I might reward you at the morning" he says and you try to keep yourself together of how hot you feel between your legs

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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