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Charles has been away for the Austrian Grand Prix.. You stayed back at his apartment in Monaco because of your studying since it's last month you  can't be away from the university.

You were sitting on the couch with one of his t shirts and your underwear you had your laptop in your legs typing until you hear the keys in the door and you knew exactly who it was you put your laptop on the table next to the couch and you run to Charles before he could say anything  and you hug him squeezing him and kiss him in his face in different places making him laugh

"I missed you" you say and you feel his hands holding you face as he kisses you the kiss was sweet and innocent full of love, as he takes his shoes off you hold his hand and take him in the couch to sit down but before you sit next to him he pulls you in his lap you turning on your side and you put your legs on the couch his hand on your leg touching in it making you have goosebumps " you did really good at the race baby" you tell him as you kiss him and he smiles the dimples showing and you could just melt there "thank you Amore how is your class going" he asks you as he sees the laptop on the table " it's going well almost finished I can't wait to be done so I can travel with you and be there to support you" you say and you kiss him again " what should we do today?" He asks you and you just think about it " we can sit here in the couch cuddle and order some food I just want to spend today with you and tomorrow you can help me with some work I have to do" you tell him " anything you want baby let me just change clothes and I'll be right back why don't you order some food?" He asks you as you sit up so he can go and change and you just follow him "yeah sure I can do this do you want me to order anything" and he just nods and you do that you order for both of you when he has changed his clothes he takes your hand and you both go back to the couch.

As you get comfortable you head is on his chest and your legs over his and you open the tv to find a show " I missed you a lot Charles" you say and he looks at you with his green eyes that are full of love " I miss you too mon Ange" he tells you and kisses you
And that's how you spend your rest of your day with Charles in the couch watching different movies and series on each others arms

Charles leclerc - one shots 18+Where stories live. Discover now