Fuck it

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Your parents were gone from the house and you were left alone with Charles , you've been waiting for this moment you entire life yes you were innocent but you wanted him to take your virginity.

That's how both of you ended in your bed with Charles between your legs "you ready mon amour?" You nod and you feel his lips were you needed them you moan as he starts sucking your clit and your hand grabs his hair pulling it your eyes are closed and you feel everything at the same time you can hear how wet you are getting "you taste so fucking good I don't know if I can stop" you hear him saying as one of his fingers is in your entrance and pushes in you feel it and you arch your back "I know baby but you need to get used to it" he tells you as he gives you kitten licks and he keeps pushing his finger in and out you felt yourself letting go 'charles i feel like im gonna pee' he stops his licks and looks up to you with a smile "just let go" he says and he licks your clit faster making you cum your legs start to shake but he keeps them in place with his own hands when he is finished he puts his self between your legs and comes closer to your face and kisses you as you taste your self in his mouth and you moan making him smile

"What a good kitten" he says and his lips move on your neck as he grabs your hand and he puts it where he needs it the most and you feel how big he "c-Charles you are big" you say with a low voice " I know baby but i promise you that it's going to fit" he gets his pants off as the underwear and you see how hard he really is "do you want to touch it?" You nod and he smiles as he comes on the side of your bed getting your smaller hand and making you touch it "just move your hand up and down slowly" he says and you are doing as you been told "putain" you hear him say and that makes you smile because you make him feel this way "spit in your hand and continue the same movements baby" you do as you been told and you do it and your hear him hiss from pleasure "putain what a good kitten" you look at him in the eyes "i think we should stop because im going to come from the way you look at me"

He moves again between your legs as you feel his length touching the inside of your thigh "I'll go slow I don't want to hurt you okay" he says as he rubs him self in you and get your wetness around his length "ready?" He asks and you nod and he starts pushing him self inside slowly making you hiss "do you want me to stop?"

"No please keep going" you say and you feel him pushing more and more until he was fully inside you "putain you squeezing me so much" he starts moving his hips slowly making you moan "oh you like that huh" you roll your eyes at the back of your head "oh my god it feels so good I feel so full" your hear him moan and that takes you closer to your release again as you squeeze around him his hips don't stop moving and he lips find your way to your neck kissing and licking it leaving small marks as he moves on of his hand to grab yours and holds it on top of your head "please faster" he starts moving even faster then before and words didn't even come out of your mouth as you came around him only moans "oh mon dieu you are going to make me cum" he says and moves his hips again couple more times until he comes inside you "oh fuck" he says as he lays himself on top of you "i hope i didn't hurt you" he says softly as he pulls him self out off you and looks into your eyes "no Charles you didn't hurt me at all" you say shyly "im happy I didn't my little kitten I'll just go and get the bath ready so we can relax you really need it" he tells you as he kisses your head and makes his way into the bathroom

Charles leclerc - one shots 18+Where stories live. Discover now