Red marks

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Warning: no good English
Also if you are under 18 please don't read.

It was again one of this days that you've have being teasing Charles almost the entire day. You were on his mothers house staying over tonight, it was after dinner and you Charles his mother and brother were sitting outside laughing and chatting around the fire you were sitting in a small couch between Charles legs his mother gave you a blanket to cover since you felt cold. Your back was touching his chest and under the blanket his hand was going up and down on your thighs giving goosebumps. But you didn't stay calm you wanted to tease him so you moved your lower back between his legs making him groan next to your ear.

"If you keep doing this you not going to sleep the entire night" he whispers in your ear and you try not to blush.

"Goodnight" you both said before closing the bedroom door before you even knew it you were pressed against the door.

"Now sweetheart how many times I've told you not to tease me when there's people around" he asks and you feel his hand on your neck squeezing it gently.

A moan escapes your lips and you bit your bottom lip really quick "thousand times" you answer and you see him smile

"Today you got me in my  limits and you expect me not to make you pay for it right?" You nod your head "well too bad this isn't happening" he says before starting to kiss you his tongue was now one with your own and it mate the kiss even better.

As he pulls away he kisses your neck and bites on your skin leaving you red marks "c-charles they going to hear us" you say with a weak voice "no they won't because you not going to make any noise" he says and pulls your shirt off and throws it somewhere in the room he moves his hand inside your shorts his fingers touch first above your underwear feeling how wet you were.

"Well I didn't know you were that wet punishment makes you wet Amore right?" I moan escapes when he pushes a finger inside you and starts moving it slowly in and out of you "don't make a sound" he says before he puts and another finger in you looking at your face your eyes were closer and you were biting you lip so you don't make a sound.

You moves your hands behind his back leaving scratches "your fingers feel so nice" you say and he makes his moves even faster you feel your self getting tight around his finger and you both knew you were close "Sperme pour moi bébé" he says in your ear while his thumb is making moves on your clit when he feels you coming he holds you closer to him until you stop shaking he removes your shorts and leaves you with just your underwear and bra.

You walk up the bed and he lays you down and kisses you while he gets his clothes off him and his underwear as well you stop kissing him "let me touch you please" he pulls him self and looks at you, you move closer to the edge of the bed and you put your small hand on his cock moving up and down and you tongue touches the tip of him making groan and his hand falling back you keep doing the same moves until he has enough of your teasing .

"Open your mouth" he says and you do it he puts his cock in your mouth and grabs your hair pushing into your mouth until you feel him at the back of your throat and you start gagging but that doesn't making stop "keep your hand in my cock and keep stroking it while I fuck your mouth" you look up at him and your eyes meet his making you see how good he feels.

After few more thrusts in your mouth he stops "fuck baby I love your mouth but I need to come inside you"he grabs your body and pulls you on the position you were before "turn around" you don't make a move he looks at you pissed off and grabs your hips turning you around so your back is now facing him, he grubs his belt and tights your hands on the headboard he spreads your legs as you feel him behind you and you feel his tongue on you clit you try to close your legs but his hands are stopping you by keeping them spread "mm so wet for me bébé you taste so good" he says between his licks you were close again this time feeling tears on your eyes of how good this feels.

He tongue moves faster and faster until you cum all over his face making him lick your juices "goodgirl" he says and gives your ass a slap making a good red mark of his palm

He moves him above you and he puts his cock in your entrance moving it up and down and he was pushing just his tip inside you and pulled out again "Charles please I need you" he didn't need you to say that a second time he pushes inside you with gentle moves cause he didn't want anyone to wake up by his bed hitting the wall.

You feel him getting deeper and deeper but his moves stay slow something that drives you crazy you feel him getting your hands free from the belt and before you do anything "be a good-girl and don't move your hands" you feel him grabbing them and putting his fingers between yours he kept moving you were leaving small moans and no loud so he was the only one that hears you.

Your walls starting to get tighter around his cock he lets go one of your hands and moves his in your clit starting to make circles "now baby let's come together" he says and bites the spot under your ear he starts to make his moves faster around your clit and before you knew it you did come as he did inside you he didn't pull away and kept his cock inside you he slowly moved you on the side so he doesn't pull out.

"Charles you are still inside me" you say as you feel a blanket covering you both.

"I know mon Ange we are going to stay like this for the rest of the night" you smiled of the idea and you felt Charles kissing your shoulder.

"Goodnight char " I say and I feel his arms getting tighter around my body "goodnight Amore" he says and you both fall asleep.

A little extra part under.
—- — ———————————————

At the morning you open your eyes because the sunlight was hitting your face.

You felt Charles moving in and out of like he didn't want you to wake up as he realised you were awake he pushed him self harder in you making you bite your lip

"Someone woke up turned on" you said smiling and you felt him bitting your shoulder "I definitely did baby let's make this quick before everyone is awake" and he starts moving harder.

You kept your moans low and tried to stay quiet you didn't want your boyfriends brothers and his mother to hear you making this noises.

And trust me this went on almost until 10 clock when you heard his mother walking out of her room.

Charles leclerc - one shots 18+Where stories live. Discover now