Sweet girl - 2

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Charles did it he won the Monaco Grand Prix and that made her smile but that didn't last long as she remembered what he told her "you are coming home with me if I win" her heart started beating fast because she didn't know what to expect.

"Y/n Charles told me to get you in his drivers room because he needs you for something" a mechanic told her as she got into his room all the memories from the activities they did couple hours before came back in her head.

She heard the door open behind her as she saw Charles walking in
"Looks like you are coming home with me huh" he says as he gets closer to her as he grabs her by the waist and pulls her closer to him making her breath faster "I I guess I am" she says back "let me take a shower and changed and we are leaving" he tells her as he kisses her in the cheek leaving her behind him.

It didn't took long enough for them to get in his apartment so when they walked in he pushed her against the door "you don't even know how much I wanted to win so I can have you for my self tonight" he whispered in her ear as he grabs her by the neck and connecting their lips together and making her moan "jump" he says between the kisses as she jumps she wraps her legs around his waist and he moves them to the couch he sits down and haves her on top of him his lips leaving her mouth and moving on her neck bitting it softly and leaving some purple marks her hand moves on his neck and grabs his hair pulling it softly

His hands move up to the strings of her dress to pull them down so he can see her boobs and only by the view he lets out a big growl "fuck you are gorgeous" he says as he moves mouth over on her boobs and starts sucking them softly making her rub her self on him "keep going make your self cum" he says with her boob still in his mouth she starts moving her hips more on top of him his hands moving down her ass as he pulls the dress a bit higher so he can grab it and squeeze it making her moan "I need you" she whispers and he stops "say that again mon amour I didn't hear you" he tells her "I need you Charles please"

He didn't not waste time as he freed him self from his pants she saw how big he is and that made her bite her lip "I promise I'll make it fit" it's like he knew what she was thinking he pushed her underwear on the side as he pushed him self inside her making both of them moan for different reasons her eyes rolled at the back of her head as he started moving her on top of him "fuck Ill keep you on the same position the entire night I can't get enough of you" he tells her as he starts thrusting into her she couldn't talk but only moan and that made him feel crazy for her.

They did keep going the entire night softly enjoying everything and touching each others body in a very romantic way and the night wasn't even over Charles wasn't done he knew that after that he wouldn't want to share her again he was willing to keep her for him self and only even leaving her pregnant so no one else could touch her or flirt with her again.

Charles leclerc - one shots 18+Where stories live. Discover now