Short dress (+18)

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Charles was never jealous because he totally trusted you until today when you arrived at the paddock with the shortest dress you had all the eyes on you (no one knew you were dating charles only that you two have been friends for years) and even the paparazzi when crazy with the photos you didn't know why until you arrived at the Ferrari hospitality and walked in.

"Hi Carlos have you seen Charles?"
"Yes he is in his room and I don't think his happy" before you could ask him what he meant by that he walked away and you started your way to Charles room, you knock the door and no answer so you think he probably sleeps before the practice starts since it was early still as you walk in and you turn to close the door you feel someone pushing you into the door making you gasp your front was now touching the door and you couldn't move "are you doing this on purpose mon Ange hmm?" He pushes him self more into you and you feel how hard his under his pants "Charles what are you talking about" with one move you are turned and facing his face "you wear this dress like a petite salope"you feel his hands getting under your dress squeezing your ass making you moan "Charles please" he smiles as one of his hands come up and pushes your head to the side so he kiss your neck as you feel his lips on your neck your breath becomes heavy "je vais te ruiner" he says and you feel this warm feeling between your legs "they need to know you only mine so they don't look at you at the same way again" he tells you and you smile on the thought of him getting jealous.

"Don't fucking smile" he tells you with a growl "I'm only yours Charlie" you say back looking at him with puppy eyes something that would always making go on his knees for you but not today "that won't work today baby" he says as you feel him picking you up and laying you on the couch that was in the room lifting your dress up making you look down at him as your legs are now on his shoulders you underwear is wet and you hear him chuckle "always so wet for me my petite salope" he pulls your underwear on the side and his lips suck on your clit making you roll your eyes at the back of your head his tongue going up and down as he pushes it into your hole and moving it again up to your clit giving you kitten licks you put your hands on his hair and you try to push his head more where you wanted but he stops you as he moves your hands away from him "uhm no you are not touching me" he tells you as he holds both of your hands with one hand you felt a finger pushing into you making you moan "you like that mon chaton" he says and you only moan answering his question "well too bad that you are not getting what you want" he stops and you pout with anger "that was just a tease of what is going to happen when we get back to the hotel now be a good girl clean your self so we can walk down" he tells you and you nod "we are not done"he says before you get into the bathroom to clean the mess he made.


Should I do a 2 part????

Charles leclerc - one shots 18+Where stories live. Discover now