So big (+18)

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Charles was way taller than you, he loved how small you were because he could scoop you in his lap in just one movement.

His hands were big enough to touch every part of your body and make you fell apart,and also your small hands could make him go crazy whenever you touched him.

You were sitting on the couch next to each other watching a movie and cuddling under a blanket until you felt his hands under your tshirt touching your belly and with one movement his hand was under your underwear you felt your breath getting faster and goosebumps all over your body "Charles" you say with a soft voice "what is it baby" he asks as he keeps his hands stills with out moving them where you want them "I need you" you say and he smiles before you know it you are sitting on his lap "are you needy baby?" You just nod and bite your bottom lip you feel his hand moving on your neck pushing you towards him and he kisses you his tongue playing with yours and your kiss is not deep just innocent and sweet "Charles please I need you stop teasing me" you say as you pull away

"Anything for you mon Ange" he tells you as he gets you to sit up so he can free him self from his underwear when you see how hard he is you can't help but move your small hand on his length and start stroking it making him hiss of enjoyment "oh fuck" he moans and you can't help but smile of how good you making him feel you feel his hand moving on your underwear and pull in on the side so he can have access to touch you his finger moves down your clit starting to play with it until you moan "already getting wet my dear but I'm not letting you come in my fingers" he tells you and he moves them away from your clit and into his mouth to taste you.

You lift your self up and you line up his cock with your entrance "ready" he asks you and you nod as you lower your self down his length as both of you let out small moans but you didn't have him all inside you because he didn't fit you were already to full of him and he was half inside you. You started moving after a minute to make both of you adjust. You were so tight but that didn't worry Charles every time he was pushing into you it was like he was pushing for the first time you were squeezing him so well that after a while he felt a little dizzy

As you stayed on your knees you started moving up and down on his cock only taking half of him in but you both really enjoyed it

You started to feel this knot on your lower stomach quickly tightening and you could barely hold yourself your movements became slower and you knew that you wouldn't last long.

"Oh M'gonna cum"you say digging your nails on Charles shoulders

"Oh baby me too" Charles tells you as he grips on your hips making you rock against him, pushing you both even closer to your much needed releases. He continues to move you against his hips when he feels you squeezing him even more you feel him lifting his hips into you slightly pushing his cock a little bit deeper in you. When you feel him do this your head falls in his shoulder and you feel your self letting go around him as you move your head away from him you feel him emptying him self inside you"oh" you say as you feel his warm cum inside you

Charles lifts his head up and begins to move you from his cock. "M' gonna need you to tighten up for baby" he tells you softly while he grips on your hips once he feels you tighten around him he slowly lifts you up from him before lowering you back down higher up on his waist. You letting go from his shoulders and you collapse into his chest " you did so good mon amour" he says as he kisses your head

"You felt so good and big" you tell him and he lets out a chuckle

"One day you gonna take all my cock in you and feel nice and full" he tells you as you feel his hand drag up and down your back

"I can't for you to do this" you tell him back until you feel his cum beginning to drip out of you and you both decide that it's time to get cleaned up but before you say anything you hear him ask " wanna take a bath baby?" He softly whispers in your ear "mhm" you answer back as you feel your self dozing off to sleep.

"Come on sweet girl let's get us clean quickly and then we can sleep" he tells you before you feel him lifting you up and walking towards the bathroom

Charles leclerc - one shots 18+Where stories live. Discover now