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You were always so sweet with your boyfriend and in love and you thought he was two but you were wrong the past two weeks his been going out until really late and coming back smelling like a female perfume and you know that he was cheating. Until one day you were coming back from work and you saw his car out of your house and it was weird because at this time he is at work you walk into the house and you see clothes around the house and you just knew when you walked in the bedroom you saw him sleeping with her naked. 

'GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE' you scream making both of them jump 

'wait baby that not what it looks like' he tells you

'yeah okay whatever get the fuck out of my house asshole i dont want to see you again' you say with tears in your eyes. 

'you know what y/n you were good just for one night i dont know i ended up dating you' he says and walks out of the room with her 'oh alson you dont need to come and get your clothes all throw them all out' you scream behind him as he shuts the front door and you feel tears in your eyes again.

you spend the rest of the day on the couch with movies and snacks you didnt want to talk to anyone until you hear the doorbell and roll your eyes wishing that not your ex coming back when you open the door you see your bestfriend 'charles what are you doing here?' you ask him as you clean your eyes from the tears ' i told you im coming today you dont remember we talked yesterday' he tells you and you do now remember that he was coming back for winter break and he wanted to visit you. 

'Have you been crying?' he asks you and you just nod 'come in ' you tell him and he follows you when he closes the door he pulls you into a hug 'what did that asshole do again?' he asks you and you sob on his arms 'he cheated on me i walked in the bedroom and i saw him with her' you say and he hugs you more 'im so sorry you didnt deserve this i told you i didnt like him from the first time i met him' he tells you and you look at him ' i thought you were jealous of him thats why you didnt like him' you say back and you feel him pull away as he looks at the floor 'no no you were jealous?' you ask him 'yeah i was but i knew  you wouldnt want to be with me after i told you i dont like you more than a friend' you look at him ' charles you need to know that i never lost feelings for you either but i had to moved on because i felt broken' you say and he softly smiles back at you and walks closer you feel his hands on your face pulling you closer. 

' can i please kiss you?' he asks and you nod and you feels his lips on yours and that made your belly go crazy of how good he was kissing you and how soft his lips feel. when he pulls away you both cant help and smile 'please would you let me show you how much i love you?' he asks 'please charles show me' you say back at him and he grabs you by the hand and you both walk in the bedroom with him showing you how much he loves you until the next morning. 


Let me know if you want me to write another part <3

Charles leclerc - one shots 18+Where stories live. Discover now