Short dress part 2

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Charles win the race and you were waiting on his drivers room until he walked in and you run up to him and kiss him you felt his arms around your waist pulling you closer to him as he kissed you back.

"I'm going to get changed and we are leaving all I would think was to get you back to the hotel" he tells you and he kisses you one last time before he started getting dressed you we're watching him bitting your lips when he was finished he grabbed your hand and you started walking from the back exit since Charles wanted to leave as fast as possible when you got into the car you knew that was getting real and you squeezed your legs together as you felt his hand at your thigh he had this annoying but also hot smirk on his face.

As you arrive in the room you walk in first and Charles is right behind it's not even a second before you feel his arms on you again "I need you out of this dress and into the shower in 2 minutes" he tells you as you see him walking into the bathroom and you start getting undressed when you were done you walked into the shower it was steamed you walke into the shower and you  see Charles front of you with water falling in his body hair as he looks at you and smiles "took you long enough" he grabbed you by the waist and you were now under the water as well.

"Putain tu es si belle" he says and his lips are on yours you feel his tongue on yours and the kiss is getting passionate "I need you Charles so bad" he smirks "let's finish the shower and take this to the bed" he tells you as you both shower and you get out walking back into the room.

He pushes you into the bed but you are on your belly so you have to turn you head around to see him he pulls the towel of your body with one movement and looks at you as you feel the fist slap in your ass which made you whimper he didn't stop there he continued hitting your ass until it was red and he was satisfied.

" I need you to get up" his telling you and you do as you are told you see him laying on the bed " get on top of me and lay" as you lay on top of him you feel his hand on your ass touching it as you close your eyes because it still hurts you feel his other hand moving in your pussy he feels how wet you are " tellement mouillée pour moi,petite salope" he says and he pushes to fingers into you as you moan and he starts moving his hand in fast movements you start to move around "stay fucking still you salope" he says and he hits you again in the ass "Charles please I need you" you say with tears in your eyes " I know you do but that's for my pleasure you get nothing today" he says and he continues the movements but you can't take it anymore and you try to push his hand away and he moves it but just to touch your clit and start making slow circle movements "you are so wet but you getting your self off in my fingers tonight and if you are a good girl I might give you something more tomorrow do you understand?" You nod and he smiles as he moves his fingers inside you again " now cum for me my petit chaton" he says and you feel your orgasm coming really hard as your legs start shaking but he doesn't stop his movements making you pull away as you try to calm your self " shh it's okay baby I'm here" you feel Charles hands hugging and your body relax on top of his as he pulls the  covers at the top of both of you to keep you warm as you were both naked "have a good sleep baby you will need it for tomorrow" he says as he kisses your head but you were already asleep


I promise I'll write a part 3 if you need me soon🤍

Charles leclerc - one shots 18+Where stories live. Discover now