Ride me part 2

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(Just read it as your pov)

I felt slow movements underneath me as I open my eyes Charles was moving slowly inside me "look who finally woke up" I hear him say as his movements stay the same I look at him in the eyes "Charles I can't again" I say as I try to hold my moan back "you can and you will mon amour" I feel his hand at the back of my neck pulling me in for a kiss but I couldn't lie to myself anymore I did moan and I felt him smirking "I knew you were lying" before I could answer my phone was ringing my mom was calling and I saw him smirking he grabbed my phone and gave it to me "answer it" he tells me and I look at him like he said something crazy "answer it now or you not gonna cum" I answer the phone and I try to keep my voice normal as if Charles is not deep inside me "hi mom" I say as i feel him move a little faster under me "are you not coming home?" She asks me and I bite my lip "no I told you I'm coming at (your best friends name) tonight we have a lot of studying" I say and I hear her sigh "okay be careful and don't stay up until late goodnight" I feel Charles hand on my clit starting to play with it making me gasp "goodnight mom" before she could even answer I ended the call and with one move I was under him "I'm going to ruin you tonight" he tells me as his thrusts are getting deeper and harder he moves one of my legs on top of his shoulder to get more access making me moan "fuck Charles" I say and his lips meet my neck again bitting it and kissing it "I just love this pussy of yours" he tells me and I feel my self getting closer "getting closer again mon amour?" I moan as I feel my orgasm hitting me hard but with Charles now fucking me faster "Charles please I'm sensitive" I saw with a hiss "I don't give a fuck I told you I'm going to ruin you" he tells me and he moves his thumb at my clit making slow movements as his thrusts are getting slower the look on his eyes show how much he loves to have control over me "you are the best thing that ever happened to me"he tells me and I pull him in for a kiss as his movements on my clit became faster "I'm going to cum again" I say "come with mon Ange" he tells me and I feel for the second time my self letting go but with a loud moan of his name as he comes inside me moaning in my ear "fuck I can't get enough of you" he tells me as he looks at me and pulls out to go get a towel and clean my pussy " I was a little to rough with you" he tells me as he lays next to me pulling me closer "that's okay Charles I liked it" I say with a lazy smile on my face and he kisses my head "let's just relax and then we should get up and have some food I can't have you starving" he tells me and I close my eyes as he keeps talking

Charles leclerc - one shots 18+Where stories live. Discover now