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Charles had enough of your shit today so you ended up sitting on his cock.

"Didn't I just tell you to sit still" you feel his nails dug into your skin his jaw clenched as he felt you squeezing him, you left out a soft whine, clutching at his forearms tight. Charles started rock his hips back and forth slowly as the tip of his cock was hitting on your g-spot

"Oh Charles it feels soo good" you cried out and Charles chuckled one of his hands at the back of your head roaming to grasp the roots of your hair "ohh"

"I didn't say you can speak so be a good girl and shut up and get your pretty tongue out" he used his other hand to tap on your lips slowly you whimpered as you poked your tongue out he smiled and pushed your head closer to him before sliding your tongue between his lips

He sucked your tongue, massaging his own against it before flicking and licking it as he started fucking up into you with much more force, your belly was on fire you felt like you were about to explode. Charles hand slowly roamed up to your belly and then on your nipples.

His fingers pitched, twisted and flicked at them as he grabbed you and made you grind against him at a quicker pace as you cried out Charles felt your pussy becoming drenched knowing you are going to bust anytime soon

His hands was now grabbing your boobs again squeezing them hard as he started to buck his hips up into you over and over again you grabbed his hair crying out your head almost fell back from the pleasure you felt Charles smirking he lets go from your tongue before taking your hips into his hands and watches you as you fall apart on his cock

"Oh my —— Charles" you scream as you feel a pool of wetness starting to drip from you onto his cock Charles bit his lip and furrowed as he watched you squirt all over him,he always enjoyed making you squirt.

"Mon putain de dieu what a good girl that's it baby make a mess all over my cock" he said as you felt him stroking your hair slowly titling his head to watch you crumble until you collapsed into him.Charles hummed as he kept fucking you feeling his stomach twist in knots as the wetness around his cock made him throb harder until you felt him coming into thick long ropes inside you.

He hissed out as he was bitting on your shoulder his eyes rolled at the back into his head

Charles leclerc - one shots 18+Where stories live. Discover now