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It was almost winter time you Charles and some of his teammates and girlfriends thought of going on camp for few days and it was the perfect idea. You've been needy all the time since you got in the camp but Charles didn't pay attention to you ( well that's what you thought) until you ended the night and got back in your tent

Charles was on top of you like a big warm blanket his smooth tanned skin against yours his large hands were holding your head his hips were rolling slowly into yours sliding in and out of you easily with your wetness making it easier for him.

"Oh Mon ange you are so fucking wet" he tells you as his head is dipping down your neck biting it, your moans get louder as you feel him move faster inside you, and your nails are at his sides and  back giving him scratches.

When you feel him touch that particularly spot inside you, thrusting harder and harder you find it hard to keep quiet and a cry emits from your lips louder than what you can control , you feel Charles hand in your mouth "shh baby we don't want anyone to hear or walk in here and see how good I make you feel do we?" You keep making noises with his hand on your mouth the way you look beneath him eyes closed, moans keep vibrating against his palm and your nails digging into his skin his head is spinning and he starts loosing control "so fucking perfect my little girl"

After that you felt your self letting go coming around his length "that's a good girl baby" he tells you as you and you feel your legs shaking, after few thrusts he came inside you with a low growl "fuck baby I can't get enough of" you feel him pull away leaving you empty and laying next to you and pulling you closer so your head is on his chest "I love you Charles" is the last thing you tell him before falling asleep in his arms

Charles leclerc - one shots 18+Where stories live. Discover now