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You and Charles have being dating almost for 2 years he's been so sweet and romantic with you he would always make love to you and be gentle so you never get hurt until today...

You were out with your best friend Marcus you know him almost your entire life Because your houses were next to each other, Charles have met him but was really protective he didn't like the way Marcus would show his love with hugging me and calling you names and no he doesn't like you the way Charles thinks. So he doesn't let you go with him a lot just few times and that's because he's jealous Marcus doesn't mind because he understands.

Today you did the wrong thing and lied to Charles you didn't think he would find out but he did and that wouldn't end okay.

When you got home he was sitting in the couch when you left you keys and bag you walked up to him so you can kiss him but you ended up kissing his cheek

What the bell Charles?

"you've got something to say to me?'his eyes are now dark green something that is not good and you know it.

"No I just went out with the girls I told you" he shakes his head and smiles. He pulls his phone out opens it and he turns the screen in your face and there I see a photo of you and Marcus walking around when he was his hand over your shoulder

"Char i i can explain" I say and I try to make a step backwards but his hand grabs mine and he pulls me in his legs "explain what that you lied to me? When you know how much jealous I get when you are with him?" His voice sounds really angry you've never seen him like this before.

"Im sorry" you say and he still looks at you with a really angry look.

"You know what cherie I've always been so gentle with you I think it's time to change this so you can see my other side which you wish you didn't" you felt your heart beating so fast.

"Put you legs around my waist" you did as he says and he puts his hands on your ass holding you he walks in the bedroom and and you feel your feet touch the ground again.

"Now let's have some fun" I feel his hands grub my shirt and ripped off I gasp and I look into his eyes "what you liked that shirt?" You nodded "too bad then" he continued until he pushed you against the wall his hands were still in your ass grabbing it hard you feel his mouth in yours giving you the most passionate kiss ever when a moan escapes your lips making him stop " no moaning for you if I hear you make any noice I'll stop do you understand?" You just nod your head and bite your lip when you feel his lips in your neck kissing you and bite you.

He moves one of his hands away from your ass and grabs your hands putting them above your head holding them still while the other one finds its way under you leggings and underwear you feel his touch on your wet pussy we plays with your clit while his breath hits your ear "you like that hm? Being wet for me like a little slut"his words made you almost coming in the edge when he felt you were about to cum he entered two fingers in you starting moving them in out of you fast you heard the noise of your juices in hand and that turned you even more "Charles p please" you whisper and you feel his hand slap you across the face gently not too hard as he stoped moving his fingers in out of you "what did I say about noises"

"I I didn't make a noise" he started moving his fingers again "no noice and no talking until I tell you" he pulled your leggings down with one hand and he pulls down his pants as well before you knew it he pushed him self into you and starts thrusting hard "oh love you are always so tight for me" he kept thrusting again and again until you felt the knot on your stomach and he pulled out you look at him like he did something really bad

"You thought I let you cum? Darling this is not happening so fast" he pulls me off the wall he let go of my hands and he sits on the bed "I want you to ride my thigh" he tells me and I move closer to him he grabs me and puts me on his thigh "go on my little slut ride my thigh like it's my cock" you start moving your hip's slowly at first and after Faster Charles was slapping your boobs you were getting closer and closer again you found your change to grab his dick he was looking at you in the eyes with out laying attention but when he felt your small hand on his cock he grabbed it and put it behind your back you were close enough but again he stopped you a small sob came out of your mouth that's the second orgasm he didn't let you have.

"Do you want to cum sweetheart?" You nod your head really quick "use your words"

"Yes Charles please make me cum" and before you knew it you were under him again his head between your legs he started licking you and you didn't need much until you were close again "cum for me" you hear him say with out stop licking you, you close your eyes and feel your legs shake Charles doesn't stop your hand grubs Charles hair making him moan. When he stops liking you he gets his head up looking at you "oh my god Charles" you say out of breath.

But it didn't finish there you were top of him now and you went on your knees starting to sucking him off "oh fuck" you hear him say and you keep sucking your hand moves up and down on his length you feel his legs shake and you knew he was close you licked the tip with you tongue teasing him and you felt his come inside you mouth when you were about to spit it out he stopped you "no amour swallow it" but you didn't make a move "I said swallow it" he says again angrier making you shallow all his cum.

"Good girl" he says while touching you bottom lip with his thumb "Charles I'm not in birth control" you answer and lay next to him putting your head is his chest "I don't care at least now I know I have you for my own with my own child on you and he can't touch you" that made you giggle "seriously it's hot when you get jealous but at the same time is stupid because you know he doesn't see me like this"

"I don't care how he sees you Cherie you are having my baby and it's the end of story" he says and you shake your head smiling and closing your eyes.

Charles leclerc - one shots 18+Where stories live. Discover now