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1.4 |my dearest friend|

"SO, WHEN WILL WE HEAR YOUR ANNOYING SINGING AGAIN?" Valeria asked the bard, who sat behind her on Snow. Geralt, Jaskier and her were on the road once more to God knows where. She could hear a chuckle behind her. The bard tightened his grip on her waist and Valeria gulped.
"Last time I heard, you told me that we should fix that lovely voice of mine so I'm sure you don't find it that annoying." Valeria pressed her lips tightly against each other and she could hear a huff escape Geralt's lips beside her which she guessed was supposed to be somewhat of a laugh.
She held up her hand while shaking her head." You were dying so forgive me if I don't believe that you could actually hear what anyone was saying."
She turned to look at the bard over her shoulder. A mistake. Not realising how close his face would be to hers, she snapped her head back forward again. Her grip on Snow's reigns tightened even more now that every place their bodies touched seemed to be even more obvious to her now. God, what is going on?
Jaskier cleared his troath and whispered in her ear. "I definitely know what I heard. You like my voice." Rolling her eyes, she shook her head. "Careful with your next words or you'll be walking next to us."
The bard raised his hands in defeat but fell forward against Valeria's back immediately.
"Alright, I'll admit there are some parts where I'm not sure if it was a dream or if you actually said those things."
Valeria raised an eyebrow while looking at the bard out of the corner of her eyes. "Like what?" she asked in suspicion.
"Well, I was blacked out so I really don't know if it actually happened but I could hear you talk to me."
Valeria whipped her head around, her heart beating out of her chest. This better not be true.
"I heard you saying something about me being a dear friend and such but I'm your only friend beside Geralt so that's not hard. But that's all I really heard."
The woman sighed in relief and closed her eyes. The stomps of Snow's hooves on the gravel being the only sound she could hear.
"Or well, I think you also told me some stories about the Mother of Dragons to relax me because I swear I could hear that name."
Geralt gave her a pointed look and she stiffened. She shook her head.
"I guess it was just a dream, Jaskier, because I definitely have more friends than just the two of you."

Valeria stood behind her master as she stared a the tall knight in the fighting pit. They managed to defeat every single warrior that went after him and the woman was impressed. She had never seen a man fight like that. She couldn't help but let the smile grow when she saw the knight remove their helmet and to everyone's surprise the blind haired warrior was a woman.


It had been three months since the tall woman arrived to entertain the fighting pits. Valeria was once again sent to attend to her wounds. She held the warrior's large and rough hand in hers while dabbing away at the bloody wounds.
"Can I ask you a question, Torwig?"
The knight simply nodded while staring at their hands.
"You truly are one of the most extraordinary fighters I've ever seen in my life and yet you decide to show off your talents in an honourless fighting pit for entertainment. Why?"
Valeria raised her head to look at the woman with a small smile.
"Do you think a woman is allowed to become an actual knight, my lady? It was this or not fighting at all and fighting is all I've ever wanted."
Valeria moved her attention from Torwig's hands to her face and cleaned the large cut near her eyebrow.
With a sigh, she replied "you know how I feel about you calling me 'my lady'. I'm not a princess anymore, I'm just a simple slave."
She stops attending Torwig's wounds when she notices the knight's intense stare. "My lady, you are much more than a simple slave. Not to me at least."


Valeria tightly held onto Torwig's armoured hand as they entered the dark cave. She couldn't me more glad to have the warrior by her side holding a sword.
"My lady, remind me again why we are in this cave?"
They ventured further into the dark and Valeria's grip tightened with the second.
She whispered "you know how I told you about my dream. I've seen this exact cave in my dreams and not too long after I'll have a dragon."
The warrior sighed while shaking her head. Her shirt blond hair pricking at the edge of her eyes.
"So, we might die because of a dream?"
A light appeared at the end and they slowly approached.
"Thank you for being such a good friend for me, Torwig. Not many people would follow me into a dangerous cave because of some stupid dream."
And Torwig couldn't be more happier to have followed her dear friend since she was the first one beside Valeria to see the sight of an actual dragon egg in that cave.


Torwig approached her friend. Valeria was busy staring out of the window, looking at the burned down home of her former master. Dozens of former slaves were looking up at her in amazement. She closed her eyes and turned away from the crowd.
A smile graced her face when she saw Torwig standing there with her hands behind her back.
"The people are asking for you, my lady. Words are going round the towns already that you should become the new ruler of Naath."
Valeria scoffed and shook her head.
"They can't possibly want that."
The woman walked past her knight to check up on her newborn dragon. A small sound escaped the tiny ball of black scales as the he was sleeping soundly.
"How could they not want you as their queen? No one will be able to inspire people more than the girl who walked into the fire and not only came out alive but also gained a dragon as well."
Turning back to face Torwig, Valeria explained "the master has been dead for just a week and they want the daughter of a mad king as their new ruler? Who says I won't turn out to be the same way as my father?"
Torwig gained the courage to walk forward and take her friend's small hands into hers. "You are a good person, my lady. You could never be anything like your father."


"My lady, may I have a word with you?"
Tomorrow was the day that Valeria would leave alongside the Witcher she met just a day before receiving her child and becoming the Mother of Dragons. She just needed to get away from all those faces staring at her in admiration, thanking her for saving them and everyone wanting her to be the one they could follow.
"Of course, my friend. You know you can always come to me."
She sat down while Torwig did the same. Rhenvys ran towards the warrior and settled down in her lap. A sound of contempt leaving the creature's mouth as it felt the coolness of Torwig's armor.
"I am afraid I have something to confess and I can't wait any longer to tell you."
Valeria looked concerned and scooted closer, taking the knight's hand in hers.
"What's wrong?"
A sigh escaped Torwig and she avoided Valeria's gaze. Valeria grew even more concerned when she spotted a tear rolling down her cheek.
"There have been some feelings that have been troubling my mind lately. These thoughts are wrong and impure. Thoughts a woman should not have," she paused for a moment, "at least not towards another woman."
Valeria furrowed her eyebrows.
"What kind of thoughts, my friend?"
Torwig continued "feelings and thoughts a woman should normally have towards a man. Feelings of love. I have fallen in love with a woman and it is wrong. Something is wrong with me, my lady."
A sob escaped the warrior's mouth.
"I hate that I've been made this way and I hate that I have fallen for you."
Valeria dropped the knight's hand upon hearing that. Her dearest friend loved her in a way that a friend would not? She stared at the woman in front of her crying. Even Rhenvys had woken up again to look up at the knight.
Torwig could feel Valeria's small arms wrap around her and lean her head atop of hers.
"My dearest friend, there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. You are the strongest and most honourable person I have met and there is nothing I would change about you and there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. Don't you ever dare think that."
Valeria took Torwig's head in her hands so she could look the knigh in her eyes. With a sad smile she looked down at her.
"I am so sorry that I can not return the same love for you. I wish that I could tell you I feel the same but I cannot. But do know that I will always love you no matter what and this will not change the way I see you. You are my dearest friend and always will be."
She kissed the top of Torwig's head.

"I love you too, my lady."

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