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1.3 |that bitch|

A slightly familiar voice reached Valeria's ears. Somebody lightly shook her. She felt herself waking up more. The surface she was laying on definitely did not feel the same as it did when she fell asleep.
Opening here eyes, her vision was blurry. She rubbed her eyes and saw an elf smiling down on her.
With a frown she sat up.
"You were the elf doctor, Chireadan, right? What am I doing here?"
The elf explains what happened with Geralt's rampage, leaving Valeria even more confused. Her ears perked up when Chireadan explained "the sentence will be passed by the very council members you attacked. It is sure to be death."
Valeria stood up in shock "so you're telling me I'm going to die because of something Geralt did?!"
"I suppose that is one way of getting rest."
She smacked the back of the Witcher's head after that comment, scolding him. He turned back to look at her over his shoulder with a smug face. She sat back down in defeat with a sigh.
Chireadan went on "why on earth would you enlist the mage's help after my warning?"
Valeria scoffed while shaking her head. "Excuse me, our friend was dying. We weren't just going to give up on him because guess what? We care about him!" The elf looked at her with wide eyes after that outburst. He turns back to Geralt and goes on further about the mage. Eventually the truth comes out and he reveals he's in love with Yennefer. Valeria raises an eyebrow in confusion. Who could be in live with someone like her, she seems horrible. He's really in love with her? She gulps when the elf looks back at her again and then to Geralt. "I think perhaps the two of you might understand me."
Both men turn to give her a look. She points to herself with big eyes.
"Wait, you think I'm in love with Yennefer?" she laughs nervously "I mean, she's extremely beautiful and kind of intruiging but I don't even know her and that bitch got me locked up in here."
The Witcher sighs. "I don't think he means Yennefer."
Valeria furrows her eyebrows wanting to ask for more clarification but her words get stuck in her throat when she sees the man she knocked out last night at the other side of the cell. "Fuck."

A cough escapes Valeria's lips and she could feel the warmth of blood all over her face. Luckily, the man stopped beating her up and turned his attention to Geralt. Her whole face stung. She wanted to get up and help Geralt but was too weak.
"Last words, Witcher. Make them good."
"I want you to burst, you son of a whore."
A few moments later Valeria's already blood coated face got even more on it when the man's head actually burst. Even though it hurt like hell, she let her mouth fall open in shock.
"Holy shit, Geralt. You're the one with the wishes."


Jaskier comes running out of the house in panic, feeling immediately relieved at the sight of a familiar Witcher. "Oh, Geralt. Thank the gods. I might live to see another day. We need to go." He stops in his tracks and stops Geralt with his hand. "Wait, where's Valeria?"
The woman comes into sight and the bard stops breathing for a second. Through all the blood on her face he could see the bruises already forming on her cheek and the split in her bottom lip. She was a mess. Who on earth could have done this to her?! Ignoring his anger, he ran up to her and hugged her tightly. She groaned at the impact but couldn't surpress the smile coming up. "Glad to see you alive and well, Jaskier. What happened?"
She pushed him away and tried to wipe away some of the blood on her face.
"Well, I was having a rather lovely dream which turned into a nightmare. There were naked women in both parts."
Valeria faked a gag and walked away from the conversation, not wanting to hear any more. Her head was pounding. Geralt walked past her in a hurry and Jaskier bumped into her as he quickly followed and shouted "are you perhaps short of a marble? "
Chireadan also followed the men while Valeria stood back. She shook her head and rubbed her sore eyes.
"Gods, I'm so confused."
Not too long after, Geralt was out of sight and that left the three of them outside of the house. Valeria still in utter confusion and pain while Jaskier was pacing in a state of panic.

Valeria had chosen to sit down a while ago, holding her head in her hands. Jaskier's frantic talk about the witch and Geralt certainly did not help with her headache. Chireadan simply switched staring between the bard and the woman.
"Jaskier, could I please have a bloody moment of silence!" Valeria shouted.
She sprung up on her feet when the house started rumbling and a crack appeared in the walls. The sky darkened and a wind raised the hairs on the back of her neck. She glared up at the house, starting to walk towards it. A hand stopped her in her tracks and Jaskier dragged her away from the house. Her back was firmly pressed against his chest and she barely protested.
"Oh no, missy, you're not going in there!"
A gasp escaped her lips when the roof collapsed and she lost her footing. Good thing, Jaskier was still holding onto her firmly. Regaining her stance, she pushed Jaskier's arms away from her and ran forward to assess the damage.
"No, no, no, no, this can't be happening."
The other men came to look as well and Chireadan admitted that they could not have survived that.
Tears welled up in Valeria's eyes and she tried to push it down. She didn't know what hurt more; her face or the stabbing feeling in her heart. She could not lose the Witcher.
She could vaguely hear Jaskier in the background wondering why Geralt chose to go in there but she couldn't focus. Slowly she felt herself sink onto the dirt. She stared at her knees scraping against the ground. Valeria felt a hand on her shoulder as Jaskier collapsed onto his knees next to her.
"He always said I have the most wonderful singing voice," Jaskier murmured mournfully.
Valeria looked up at him and a tear rolled down her cheek. "No, he did not," she managed to get out.
Jaskier took a look at her sorrowful face and pulled her towards him.
"Come here, Val."
The woman silently obeyed and allowed the bard to hold her close in his arms. Her head rests in the crook of his neck when the elf comes running towards them with a smile.
"They're alive."
There's a moment of silence and Valeria stares up at him in disbelief.
She barely manages to hear Jaskier's "bollocks" before shoving him away, more harshly than intended, since he landed with his back in the ground. She runs towards the window and upon seeing the sight, Valeria shrieks and throws up her hands in front of her eyes. God, this was the last thing she wanted to see in her lifetime. Yes, of course she knew Geralt indulged in acts of pleasure but that does not mean she wanted to see it, especially not with the mage that almost caused their execution.
Jaskier joined her side and sighed in relief "they're alive."
Staring at the sight before him he added "oh, they're really alive! Whoo! I mean, he.."
The hard couldn't finish his sentence as Valeria dragged him away in annoyance.

"Cmon, Jaskier. Don't be such a pervert!"

Guess who's back!!!! I really don't know if anyone will still read this since I haven't updated in such a long time but after seeing a bunch of comments today from a reader, I got really inspired to go further so here we are. I hope I can manage to update more soon but now you'll have this already so enjoy!

Songs of Fire °Jaskier, The WitcherWhere stories live. Discover now