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1.8 |mother of dragons|

THE COLD SURFACE OF THE GROUND DIDN'T BOTHER VALERIA ONE BIT. The night had approached fast after what happened with Jaskier and like the rest of the company they too needed some rest. However, now that her feelings were out in the open, Jaskier would not allow her to sleep on her own. His arm wrapped securely around her waist while her back was firmly pressed against him.
It was weird sleeping so close next to someone but Valeria would not deny how amazing it felt. It was as if her body was made to fit in the tiny space between the bard's arms and she fell asleep with a grin adorning her face.

Hours passed when a voice reached her ears. Still asleep, Valeria's breath quickened and the entirity of her body shivered. It was at this moment she started to feel the warm rays of sun starting to come up.
The growl of a dragon pierced her ears and she flinched. The sight of golden scales filled the darkness behind her eyes and that's when she saw the vision of a dragon.
The familiar voice of Borch echoed through her head.
With a gasp, the woman sat up, startling Jaskier out of his sleep as well. Trying to regain her brouth she frantically looked around the camp.
Everyone had already left.
A pair of hands gently held her shoulders while she was still gasping for breath. Only now could she hear the bard's concerned voice asking what was wrong.
She turned to look at him with bewildered eyes. His hands moved from her shoulders to her reddened checks, trying to calm her down.
Between ragged breaths, she managed to get out "I know what is actually happening."
Jaskier just gazed down at her with furrowed brows. He lightly shook his head trying to understand any of it.

They were never here to hunt or kill a dragon. They were there to protect it. Borch wanted Geralt on his team to protect the dragon egg situated in the cave. Valeria's heart ached at the vision of the dead mother dragon beside the precious egg. God's, how badly she wanted to get there and help. Geralt might be the one to save a dragon but all the others were out for a treasure and it didn't matter what it took. Even killing an innocent baby dragon.
A smile adorned her face as she felt the familiar rising of heat in her chest.
Jaskier seemed even more confused now at the change of emotions.
Valeria put his hands away as she stood up and looked towards the edge of the cliff towards the horizon.
Closing her eyes, she waited for the familiar screech in the distance, signalling the arrival of her child.
Soon enough she heard it and the silhouette of Rhenvys become noticeable in the distance.
Jaskier carefully approached her side, hands raised above his eyes trying to block the sunlight.
"Am I still dreaming or do you see something there in the distance as well?"
Valeria grinned while nodding.
"I see it too, my dear Jaskier."

"Hey, its gone now."
Jaskier trotted towards the edge trying to see where it went. Oh, how he was going to regret that. From below the depths the black dragon raised towards the sky, just a few feet away from the bard. A roar erupted from the beast as Jaskier fell backwards with a shriek.
The bard quickly scrambled backwards seeing what was flying not too far away from him. He couldn't manage to get back on his feet so he reached out towards Valeria's ankle and yanked on it.
"Get away from there, Valeria!"
She simply stared in awe as the beast landed a few feet away from her. Tears welled at her eyes at the sight of her child. He had grown so much in her absence. He was even larger than Roach now.
Jaskier had found the courage to get up and tried to get Valeria away. He pulled on her arm with all his might not taking his eyes of the monster in front of him.
"Please, Valeria! We need to go!" he yelled in desperation.
The woman rested her hand on the ones trying to pull her away. With a pleased sigh she yanked herself out of the bard's grip and walked towards Rhenvys. The dragon stepped forward making a purring sound.
Jaskier's frantic shouting didn't phase neither mother nor child. The bard had his hands in his hair while he took steps forwards and backwards, contemplating whether to save the woman or run for his life.
He dropped his hands and his mouth fell open as he saw Valeria stroke the side of the beast's head. She rested her forehead against the side of the dragon's enormous one while the black dragon closed his eyes and made a sound of contempt.

Valeria eyed Rhenvys's back. It looked big enough now. She nearly died falling down the side of a mountain already so she could sure handle this. With one final look towards a very confused and still very panicked Jaskier she smiled.
"I'm sorry, Jaskier, but I'll have to leave you for now. I'll explain later."
With that she climbed into the dragon. Taking a deep breath, looking towards the horizon, she nodded. She didn't know why she did it, probably to reassure herself. With one final command to Rhenvys, he started running towards the edge of the mountain. Valeria closed her eyes while holding onto the dragon's horned back for dear life.
And in a matter of seconds they were up in the air.


Valeria screamed out in joy as she soared through the sky. Yes, the wind was harsh and she was freezing but flying on the back of her child was the most free she could ever feel.
Soon enough she saw the cave where Geralt was fighting off men. Probably the Reavers if Valeria had to guess. They were certainly to large to be dwarves.
With a swift motion Rhenvys was darting down towards the men. None of them even noticed them yet except for the mage.
Yennefer looked up towards the sky and saw the dragon fast approaching, its mouth opening as a deafening roar escaped it. That certainly gained the men's attention.
Some were brave enough to stand their ground whereas others dropped their swords and ran or simply froze in fear.
Valeria screamed the command and a dozen men ended up in flames as Rhenvys burnt them all.
He landed on the mountain and one of his feet crushed a man trying to run away.
Valeria climbed down and stood beside her son as she looked at the very few men left. One of them was fighting Geralt, another was occupying Yennefer. However, one was stupid enough to run towards Valeria with his sword pointed towards her. He only got a few paces until he was burnt to ashes by Rhenvys.
Yennefer managed to take down the last one before turning around towards the woman. Valeria could even spit some astonishment in the mage as she smiled towards her.

The fast paces of Jaskier and his frantic yelling could be heard behind Valeria while Borch came out back in his human form.
Jaskier was in such a frantic state as he saw Tea and Vea alive as well that he didn't even notice the proximity of the dragon beside him.
Only when he slightly turned his head and saw the large snout of Rhenvys mere inches away from his arms, he fell backwards again with a yelp.
Borch approached Valeria and to her surprise he bowed.

"It is an honour to meet the Mother of Dragons."

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