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0.3 |the land of the living|

VALERIA'S BACK WAS TURNED TOWARDS JASKIER. Slowly, she turned to face the two men walking towards her. A small smile graced her face as she looked at Wiscar.
Jaskier looked down, knowing she wouldn't even acknowledge his presence.
"Well, I guess we better get going. If it is true what you say then we can't waste any time to help Geralt with whatever it is he needs help for."
She gestured towards Wiscar as she explained "I am sure you have told him by now what it is our witcher needs help with so he'll try to locate him and we'll follow suit."
The man's wings fluttered as he disappeared into the sky not a second later. Valeria began to walk away as Jaskier followed. He tripped trying to keep up. When his steps were next to hers he slowed down.
"Thank you, Va-, my lady."
Without even looking at his direction she responded "For what?"
"For listening and helping me try to find Geralt."
Stopping in her tracks, she finally turned to look at him. Any spark of kindness that she once held for him, nowhere to be spotted in her eyes. "Just so we are clear, Jaskier. Even though Geralt left me on that mountain just as you did, he saved my life once and took care of me so I owe it to him to return the favour. I am not doing this for you, I'm simply paying my debt." She started walking again but not before muttering "And when that is payed I won't have to be bothered by either of you."

Jaskier watched her walk away for a moment. Was this truly Valeria? Yes, she deserved to be furious but how could she turn so coldhearted? If someone were to tell them the real Valeria was actually dead and someone else had come back as her, he'd believe them in an instant. This was not the woman he fell in love with.


Naath was in ashes.

It had been a quiet day, the queen flying around on her dragon while the little green one was practising alongside them. Valeria had smiled at little Gisela as her wings fluttered insecurely through the sky.
That was until a huge arrow pierced through the tiny dragon's neck and it fell from the sky. All hell had broken loose.
Nilfgaard had found them and an army was fast approaching. Being so unprepared for any attack, the people of Naath never stood a single chance. The city guards had tried their best but to no avail. Valeria didn't know what to do since burning Nilfgaard's army would mean the risk of burning her own people as well.
Rhenvys roared at the sight of his little sister falling down towards the ground. More arrows were fired at the large dragon but most of them weren't strong enough for a beast as big as him. Nilfgaard had managed to invent some sort of weapon to hurt dragons and no one even knew about it.

Valeria still didn't know what to do until Rhenvys cried out in pain as an arrow managed to penetrate his shoulder. Not being able to fly properly, he was forced to get back safely on the ground.
Soon enough, Valeria was on the ground and tried to save as many of her people from the swords of her enemy. Torwig had joined her side as well and together they fought off as many people as possible. Rhenvys was still in pain so Valeria had to pull the arrow out while Torwig covered her back. More and more soldiers came so Valeria had no choice but to risk her own people as well. She ordered her child to burn the incoming soldier.

Opening his mouth, Rhenvys did nothing but let out a screeching noise. He tried again but nothing. Valeria turned back towards Torwig. Both of their faces in shock. Whatever that arrow was laced with, made sure that the dragon had no use of fire.

That was the day Naath fell. Eyewitness reports speak of how the queen screamed out as her most loyal soldier fought to the end. Two arrows piercing her skin and stabbed at two times as well, Torwig still stood trying to protect her queen. It was the third time a soldier slashed at her that caused her to fall down, her eyes cast at her queen while she took her last breath as the army ran towards the queen. Rhenvys' fire returned, some say it was becuase of pure fury when he saw his mother getting stabbed in the heart by one of the soldiers.
Not a second later the dragon burnt everything and everyone on the isle, not caring if they were foe or friend. There were only a few who survived that day. Most of them were former masters, now thriving again in Nilfgaard's court while other survivors were back into a life of slavery. That is all the reports about that day said.

Songs of Fire °Jaskier, The WitcherWhere stories live. Discover now