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0.6 |i am your friend|

THE DAY HAD PASSED AND VALERIA AVOIDED THE BARD LIKE THE PLAGUE. Wiscar had found them an inn where they could stay for the night. The hardest part was getting Valeria inside without being noticed. Luckily a winged man took away most of the attention from people so she could slip inside her room easily. The place wasn't as crowded either so that made things even easier.
The only glimpse the winged creature saw of his friend was when she snuck inside the place and disappeared up the stairs, her hooded cloak swishing behind her. She never even asked him if she wanted him to bring her food. 

His slinted eyes gazed at the bard singing a couple of songs a few tables away from him. Wiscar thought Jaskier's singing was quite annoying back when he watched him in his cell but atleast it would gain them a couple of coins.
Part of why it annoyed him was probably envy. How he wished to be able to let out some tunes or just a single word. The bard's voice wasn't too bad, he'd admit that but it could never compare to his. Wiscar often dreamed of the days before his family was hunted down. The days where his voice would carry over the mountains as he sang the most beautiful songs for his people. Even the birds would stop and listen to the angelic sound. Some even joined and the chorus of the whistles of those birds mixed with his tones was something he could never forget. But his bard days were over now. Atleast he could enjoy the bard that joined his queen and him. Hearing Jaskier's songs made his own singing voice feel a little bit alive somehow even though he knew no one would be ever able to hear it. 

Valeria had her back against the wall opposite the bed. With her eyes closed she could softly hear Jaskier's voice coming from down below. How she missed that obnoxious singing of his. She rested her head in her hands as a tear slid down her cheek. He was right. She had turned into a monster. How could she even be capable of killing all those people. Innocent people. Hawking's voice boomed through her head reminding her why they were doing it. Nilfgaard deserved it. She had to make them pay.
No, no, this had to stop. She shook her head.
Her cousin was right. They needed to take revenge and show those monsters that they've made a mistake. But was this the right way to do it? Yes, it must be. Who could know better then her own blood? Her own family?
There is no other way but to listen to Hawking. She could not defy the only family she had. But she already had, hadn't she?
Just as Solomon said, Hawking would never allow a single survivor since he claimed it showed weakness. And yet, she has gone behind his back and let people choose their own fate. Was this really the way she wanted to avenge her people and child or was it just Hawking acting through her? She sighed not knowing what to do anymore. Staring blankly at the fire, she only just realised the absence of sound. How long had it been since the bard stopped his melodies?  

Valeria sprung to her feet as the door opened. Quickly wiping away any signs of regret and hurt on her face she glared at the bard in the opening. With his hand still on the handle he held up a bowl of stew in the other with a sheepish smile.
"I figured you might be hungry" he spoke quietly as he dared to take another step inside.
He noticed her loose hair and the armour was gone as well. Now she looked a bit more like the Valeria he used to know. Valeria walked past him towards the fireplace, ignoring his gaze.
"Should a monster even eat?" she sneered.
With a sigh, he set the bowl down on the bedside table and turned towards her. His eyes set on the crackling fire instead of Valeria's tensed back.
"I wish I could tell you I did not mean that but I would be lying, my lady." Valeria nodded at that. She deserved that one.
"What happened, Valeria? How did you turn into this?" Jaskier asked gently.
She balled her fists, trying to hold back tears. Shaking her head, she refused to answer. Jaskier stepped forward and replied with an agitated voice "You can't even answer me? Just look at me for once, Valeria!"
He threw up his arms as she still didn't react.
"How can you be so heartless all of a sudden!" 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2022 ⏰

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