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1.0 |make a wish|

VALERIA THOUGHT GERALT WAS INSANELY STUPID. Fishing for a Djinn was probably the stupidest thing she had ever heard.
She could hear the Witcher throwing his net into the water a few times along with some grunts signaling that there was no success. Rhenvys and her were too far away to see the man but Valeria didn't really care about missing the sight of a fishing Geralt.

A rather familiar voice filled the air while Valeria petted the dragon's black scales. Her motions stopped while her eyes grew bigger in horror. The singing voice of an all too familiar bard came closer to hers and Gerald's camp site.
"Geralt! Hello."

Jaskier was closer than she had expected. "Shit, shit, shit!"
Valeria pushed against the large beast but it didn't budge. Instead, it let out a soft purring sound, not liking this treatment.
"Rhenvys, move!" she whispered in panic while giving the creature a harsh push. Rhenvys huffed and to Valeria's relief turned around. His large tail smashed against a tree. It shook violently while a loud sound came from it. The woman groaned.
"Fly back to Naath. We'll meet each other again soon, my boy."
She gave him a pat on his head and soon the dragon flew off. God, she hoped the bard hadn't noticed anything. Luckily for her, the trees concealed her presence from the irritating man.

"How are you doing, I hear you ask?"
Valeria stepped out from the trees.
"I didn't."
She couldn't help but feel glad to see her friend again. Eventhough he could be infuriating at times, she still enjoyed the bard's company.
"Oh, come on, Geralt. You could act a bit nicer sometimes."
The Witcher eyed her in annoyance. Now she has spoken, her presence was known to Jaskier as well.
"Oh, Valeria good to see you again as well."
She let out a fake laugh while smiling as sweetly as possible. "You still owe me money for that banquet."
His face fell, hoping she had forgotten about that. Jaskier turned back to Geralt, who was busying himself with his fishing net.
"Anyway, the Countess de Stael, my muse and beauty of this world, has left me." The bard raised his arms dramatically, causing the woman next to him to roll her eyes. He turned to Valeria this time. "Again. Rather cold and unexpectedly, I might add. I fear I shall die a brokenhearted man."
Valeria nodded her head with fake sympathy, making sure it could be seen how she did not care.
"Or a hungry one, at the very least, unless somebody dances sharing a fish with an old friend."
Geralt picked up his net and walked away. Valeria followed suit after. Jaskier, of course, had to trail after the two as well. "Oh, are we not using 'friends'. Yeah, sure, let's just give it another decade."
Valeria turned her head to face the bard. "You know you are our friend."
The bard nodded his head in agreement and raised his arm to point at Geralt. "Yes, I'm certain with you, but he never seems to feel the same. Geralt, you're great at many things but fishing doesn't seem like one of them. Have you caught anything today?"

"He has not," Valeria answered for the Witcher, too occupied with finding the Djinn.
"What is he fishing for, exactly?"
The woman raised her eyebrows while leaning against a tree. She watched with her arms crossed, not wanting to have anything to do with this stupid idea. Jaskier was naming all sorts of fish, much to the annoyance of both his companions.
"I'm not fishing. I can't sleep."

"Look at that, the Witcher can speak," Valeria muttered to herself.
"Right. Good. That makes sense, in a way that it doesn't. What's going on, Geralt? Talk to me."
It was a surprise to the white haired woman how serious the bard sounded all of a sudden.
With a sigh, Geralt answered. "A Djinn. I'm looking for it."

"A what? For a Dj- For a Djinn? A Dj- Like a genie?" Jaskier laughed  softly to himself while Geralt was getting ready to throw his net, "The floats fellas with the... the bad tempers and the banned magics, that kind of genie?"

"Yes, it'll grant me wishes. It is in this lake somewhere. And I can't fucking sleep!" Geralt ranted with an angered tone while Jaskier kept laughing. Valeria nudged his side, telling him to stop it. Geralt walked away from the two again. Valeria followed Jaskier and Geralt silently. Unlike someone, she knew when to keep her mouth shut. Jaskier kept bombarding the Witcher about the reason of his lack of sleep. Was it the child surprise?
Geralt denied it. Jaskier and Valeria eyed eachother, knowing exactly that was why. Jaskier had his hands on his hips. "Yeah, maybe you're right. But what if your not. You know, the Countess de Stael once said to me that destiny is just the embodiment of the soul's desire too grow."
Valeria groaned having to hear about this Countess again. Jaskier took the liberty to sit next to her. She scored a bit further away from him.
"Did you sing to her before she left?" questioned the Witcher.
"I did, actually, and she..." Jaskier fell silent, slowly realizing what was meant.
"Why, what are you implying?"
Geralt simply stared at the bard, thinking it was very obvious. Valeria pressed her lips together, trying not to smile. Jaskier stood up. "Oh. We are so having this conversation. Come on, Geralt. Tell me. How's my singing?"
The woman snorted softly at how dramatic the bard was. His hands rested on his hips, waiting for an answer. Geralt threw his net into the water.
"It's like ordering a pie and finding it has no filling."
Valeria couldn't help it any longer and let out a laugh. It became even harder when she saw the offended look on Jaskier's face.
"You need a nap! I mean are you trying to hurt my feeli-"

"Shut up!"
Valeria jumped up seeing what was inside Geralt's net.
"Wow. Wow. What is... What is that?" stammered the bard. Valeria stepped closer as well.
"It's a wizard's seal. The djinn."
She stared at it in wonder.
"Do you mind if i-" Without finishing his sentence, the bard took a hold of the pot.
As usual Geralt sounded annoyed and this time Valeria couldn't blame him.
"Take it back about my fillingless pie." Both of the men pulled on the seal.
"Take it back, you get your get your djinny-djinn-djinn."
Geralt warned the man to let go. Valeria stood next to them and rolled her eyes with a heavy sigh. Men.
"No! No, let go, you horse's arse!"
Jaskier pulled with all his might.

Valeria's eyes widened when the pot opened. Geralt stared at the seal in his hand with shock.
"Hm. That's a bit of an anticlimax."
The woman closed her eyes not believing what just happened.
A breeze began to stir and soon a gush of wind flew over the water.
"Or is it?"
Jaskier jumped forward ready to be the Djinn's master.
"Djinn, I have freed thee, and as of this day, I am thy lord. Firstly, may Valdo Marx, the troubadour of Cidaris, be struck down with apoplexy and die."

Valeria's eyebrows knitted together. His first wish was really to kill someone?
"Secondly, the Countess Dr Stael must welcome me back with glee, open arms and very little clothing."
Geralt pulled the bard back.
"Jaskier! Stop! There are only three wishes."

"Oh, come on, you always say you want nothing from life. How was I supposed to know you wanted three wishes all to yourself?"

"I just want some damn piece!"
Valeria held her head in her hand. This could only get worse.
"Well, here's your peace!"
The woman gasped in horror when Jaskier smashed the amphora.
"Have you lost your mind!" Valeria yelled in frustration while Geralt picked up the broken pieces.
The wind became even stronger. She could hear choking sounds.
Valeria whipped her head seeing Jaskier coughing and gasping for air. He weakly whispered her name in need for help.
She rushed forward trying to help the bard.
"Its the Djinn!"
Geralt stood up and threw magic at the creature making it go away. Jaskier fell forward leaning onto Valeria. The wheezing sounds didn't stop. Her heart began to beat faster, concerned for the bard.

Jaskier managed to cough but blood came with it and it landed on Valeria's shoulder. Her eyes widened while trying to hold up the man. This was not good.

Songs of Fire °Jaskier, The WitcherWhere stories live. Discover now