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1.7 |let's get away|

VALERIA STARED AHEAD IN THE DISTANCE. She could barely remember arriving at the campsite or even getting of the side of the mountain. She could only remember Geralt walking her to the edge of the camp and setting her down on a rock while Jaskier seemed to avoid her at all costs. It had been a few hours since they lost Borch and the skies were darkening. Not too long ago she saw Geralt and Jaskier sitting together and talk. A small smile graced her lips as she looked at them. A sigh escaped when thinking about how lucky she was to still be alive but if it had to happen she would have been glad it was her instead of the bard or Witcher.
With a raised eyebrow, she watched Geralt disappear in Yennefer's tent. Drifting her eyes back to the rock he was sitting on a few moments ago, she could see Jaskier staring at her. When he noticed her gaze, he quickly averted his eyes.
She furrowed her eyebrows, not understanding why he was so distant all of a sudden.
A gasp escaped her mouth when she felt that familiar feeling; as if a fireplace started in her chest while a shiver ran down her spine. She immediately knew what it meant. Rhenvys was close. He could not be here! Not when everyone around her was actively hunting a dragon. Valeria eyed every spot in the sky to see if she could see any sign of her child.
How she missed him. It had been so long since she last saw the dragon. She couldn't deny that she loved having Jaskier around during their travel but because of that, Rhenvys had to stay away.
Not being able to see the dragon from her spot, Valeria pushed herself off the rough surface and started walking towards the edge of the trees, away from the camp.

Geralt might not have thought it to be a bright idea to wander off into the woods, where various monsters might be roaming but Valeria didn't care. Her sword was strapped to the back of her blue dress and she nearly died today already so how hard could this be. Still no sign of Rhenvys sadly.
Stopping in her tracks, she listened carefully. Something was following her. The undeniable sound of twigs snapping could be heard behind her. Whatever was following did not care about being discovered or was just plain stupid. Her hand slowly reached the hilt of her sword as she waited for the unknown creature to approach.
When it got close enough, she grabbed her sword and swung towards whatever was behind her.
Jaskier yelled as he stood there with raised hands. His eyes focused on the sharp blade right in front of his nose.

A sigh escaped Valeria's lips as she sheathed her sword.
"What are you doing here, Jaskier? You shouldn't be out here alone. It's dangerous."
He put his hands on his hips while raising an eyebrow.
"Then why are you wandering off on your own if it's so dangerous?"
Rolling her eyes she started to walk further again.
"Unlike you, Jaskier, I can actually defend myself."
She sighed and rubbed the side of her head. "I'm sorry, that wasn't very kind of me."
Valeria stopped in front of a log and sat down. Jaskier joined beside her. The log wasn't too big so they were forced to sit so close the side of their arms and legs were touching. Valeria was too busy staring at their touching legs for her to notice the bard smiling down at her. "It's alright, Valeria."
He grasped her hand and she let him.
"How are you feeling?" he asked softly.
She sighed, avoiding his gaze.
"I'm alright, I suppose. Considering what happened," she whispered. Her head slowly turned towards him.
"And how are you?"
Jaskier stared down at her with a small smile.
"I'm trying to figure out what's pleasing me."
Valeria snorted, turning away from his gaze. "What are you talking about?"
Jaskier's grip on her hand tightened while his thumb rubbed the side.
"You know, with what happened, I realised that you could lose someone in a second or die yourself," he paused for a second, "you nearly died, Valeria. I almost lost you and there was nothing I could do about it."
Valeria couldn't remember the bard ever sounding so delicate and vulnerable. With a sigh she put her other hand over their entwined.
With a small laugh she looked up at him.
"Atleast you wouldn't have to worry about me having to compete for your attention."
Unlike her small laugh, Jaskier just gazed at her seriously and he whispered "I don't want you competing for my attention."

"Alright, well I could just stop giving you attention."
She pulled her hand away but Jaskier quickly took it back.
"No, no that's not what I mean" he laughed. The bard put a strand of her white hair behind her ear.
"I guess, I've realised that I want one person to give me all their attention and I want to give all I have to them."
Valeria nodded.
"Poor woman" she joked. Jaskier rolled his eyes while gently giving her a small shove.
"I'm just jesting, Jaskier. That person will be very lucky."
The bard grew quiet for a moment as he stared at their hands.
"You think so?"
She nodded in response with a small smile, moving her head so she could look him in his eyes.
"How could they not be?"
Her hand rested on his cheek while smiling up at him.
He removed her hand from his cheek and shuffled even closer while holding onto her hands.
"Would you allow me to give you all of my attention?"
Valeria stopped breathing for a second. Jaskier's eyes on her became a bit too much. Looking down at their hands, she sighed.
"There's so much you don't even know about me, Jaskier."
He let go of her hands and put them at the side of hear instead. Gently he raised her head so she looked him in his eyes.
"But I would like to know all about you, if you let me of course."
They smiled at each other.
"You truly are the most beautiful thing my eyes have ever layed sight upon. How could someone not want to know you?"
Valeria gulped as she saw the bard's eyes lower towards her lips.
"May I kiss you?"
Her eyes widened and she didn't trust her to be capable of speaking at the moment so she simply nodded.
Closing her eyes, she felt him nearing. She could feel his breath as he paused for a moment to stare at the woman in front of him. Not being able to take it any longer, Valeria moved forward and closed the gap.

Their lips touched for just a second as she pulled away again. Opening her eyes she couldn't help the grin spreading across her face. Jaskier still sat there with his eyes closed, lingering in the delight of what just happened. She softly called out his name and he slowly opened his eyes.
Their eyes stared at each other for a moment before their mouths were back on each other again.
The kiss deepened as Jaskier pulled the woman on top of his lap. His hands rested on the lower of her back as he pulled her as close as possible while their mouths explored each other.
Valeria's heart was thumping out of her chest. Her first kiss had finally happened and it was the most magical feeling she had experienced. Jaskier's hands grabbed at her sides and gods it felt so right.
A gasp escaped her lips for a moment as he lifted her off of him and gently laid her down on the grass. He was hovering over her while looking down at the woman under him.
"God's you're beautiful" he whispered before starting to kiss her again.
He couldn't help it and started to grind his hips against hers. Valeria held onto him even tighter while a soft moan left. His hand grasped her thigh and Valeria delighted in every touch of his fingertips.

To her dismay, Jaskier stopped. Out of breath, she looked up at him with furrowed brows.
"Don't get me wrong, Valeria. I really want to, gods I want you so bad but not here. I want our first time to be done properly and not on some dirty floor."
Valeria laughed, still flustered of what had just happened. She nodded while Jaskier helped her up. She wanted to look down at the state of her dress but Jaskier pulled up her chin immediately.
"No, don't look down!" he yelled.
She looked at him confused as he blushed. One hand holding her head while the other was in front of his trousers.
Her eyes grew wide, realising what he meant.

Jaskier stepped forward and rested his forehead against hers.
"Let's just leave tomorrow. Go to the coast or something and enjoy each others company without having to worry about dying every single moment."
A smile graced Valeria's lips.
"Then I can atleast get to know all about the things you say I don't know about."
She nodded.

"I'd like that very much, Jaskier."

Songs of Fire °Jaskier, The WitcherWhere stories live. Discover now