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0.3 |pointy ears|

VALERIA COULDN'T UNDERSTAND. Geralt actually allowed the bard to come with them. Ofcourse the witcher punched the man in his stomach first, earning a laugh from the woman. The bard stood up with a wince.
"Yeah, very funny."
Valeria gave him a fake laugh while petting her white mare, Snow.

"Reading between the lines and the gut punches, chum, I'd say you have got a bit of a... An image problem."
Valeria rolled her eyes. The bard had started talking again.
"Were I to join you two on this feat to defeat the devil of Posoda, I could relieve you of that title."
The bard put his lute behind his back while walking. Valeria sat comfortable on her horse.
"All the north would be too busy singing the tales of Geralt of Rivia, the white wolf or something," the bard turned back to Valeria, "and his beauty of course."
She shook her head with a glare.
"I'm not his beauty."
The man shrugged and turned back to Geralt.
"Mind if I hop up with you there? I'm not wearing the right kind of footwear."
The bard's hands went towards Geralt's horse but he didn't get far.
"Don't touch Roach."
A small smile graced Valeria's face. The bard might be annoying and incredibly irritating, atleast he was entertaining.
"You can ride with me."
She pulled on her mare's reigns. The bard turned around with a small smile. Valeria didn't smile back.
"I can't stand hearing you complain so get on."

Soon enough she felt the man closely behind her. She did admit, it made her nervous having a man so close to her. He couldn't help it but their bodies made contact while riding the horse.
"Tell me bard, do you have a name?"

"Julian Alfred Pankratz, at your service. But eveyone calls me Jaskier."
She nodded while looking ahead. She whispered his name testing how it felt coming from her.
"Since I am not allowed to call you Geralt's beauty what can I call you?"
Geralt looked back at the two with a confused look. Valeria glared back a him signaling him to mind his own business. With a sigh she answered.
"Valeria Blackfyre."
Jaskier repeated her name as if trying to remember something.
"Blackfyre as in Igor Blackfyre. The fallen king of the Blackfyre lands?"
Valeria grabbed her reigns tighter. She huffed not wanting to think of that man. Thinking back of what his legacy gave her. Her youth filled with the horrors of slavery.
"Yes, him."

Geralt stepped of his horse so Valeria stopped hers.
"Get off."
Jaskier obliged. When he stood back on the grounds he held out his hand for Valeria to take, but she ignored it.
"The elves called this Dol Blathanna before bequeathing it to the humans and retreating into their golden palaces in the mountains. There I go again, just delivering exposition."
After tying Snow to a tree, Valeria turned back to Jaskier with a sarcastic smile." Fascinating."
She and Geralt walk away.
"Geralt? Valeria? Wh-where are you going?" Valeria looked over her shoulder with an amuzed smirk. "Don't leave me. Hello?"

The bard finally caught up with them.
"What are we looking for again?" he asked while standing closely behind Valeria.
"Blessed silence."
Valeria snorted, "Geralt I'm sorry to say it but good luck with him around."

"Have you ever hunted a devil before?"
Valeria sighed. Could he ever shut up?
"Devils don't exist," grunted the witcher.
"Right. Obviously. Then what are we doing?"
Geralt explained how most of the times it would either be a monster or money he got. Rarely both.
"The sweet life of a witcher," mused Valeria. Jaskier was stil following close behind her.
"Are you a witcher as well?"
She shook her head but Geralt answered for her.
"Women can't be witchers."
The white-haired women glared at the man in front of her, "Doesn't mean they can't help their friend."

Something small struck Geralt in the forehead. "Shit."
The man grunted and crouched down beside a bush.
Valeria and Jaskier walked further. The woman picked up the object.
"Act two begins!"
Valeria turned around with an annoyed expression.
"Will you ever shut up!"
The bard gave her no attention and stared into the distance.
"Oh, my gosh. Valeria, it's a devil," his concerned tone quickly turned into one of excitement, "Ohh, I have t see this magical, this mythi-"

Valeria grimaced when another ball hit Jaskiers's forehead. The bard fell unconscious to the ground. She quickly turned around to the source of the little cannonball.
She yelled, "Whoever threw that, I'd like to thank you very much."

A goatlike creature jumped out from his hiding and ran towards Geralt. With his horns he threw the wither back onto a rock while yelling.
"Leave me be!"
Valeria growls and whispers, "Don't touch him, you fucker."
The Sylvan still had his attention on Geralt, so the woman could run up behind him and slam him onto the ground. Geralt got back up and held the creature down.
"What happened with you? Your mother fuck a goat?"
The white-haired woman rolled her eyes. She stood back up.
"I am Torque the Sylvan, a rare and intelligent creature."
Valeria looked back at Jaskiers's unconscious body.
"Yeah, you were intelligent enough to take him out first."

"You're a dick. With balls."
The woman looked at the witcher in disgust. "Geralt, what the fuck!"
She had enough of this and walked away. Instead she decided to turn her attention on the finally silent bard. She crouched down his body. Her hand touched the sore place on his forehead where the ball hit him.
Behind her she could her a grunt and a thud. Quickly turning around she spotted an unconscious Geralt. Her hand reached for her sword but a force knocked her out as well.

A groan escaped her lips. Valeria slowly opened her eyes and saw the sun outside the cave she was currently in.
"Oh thank the gods, you're awake."
Another groan escaped her lips. She felt the shoulders of two men digging into her back.
"You're awake and talking again. What a pity."
In the corner of her eyes she saw Jaskier on her left side. She could see the small smile on his face.
"Where are we? What the hell happened?" she turned her head so she could see the bard a bit better. He turned his head to her as well. Valeria whipped her head back to look in front of her. His face came to close to her liking.
He answered, "How am I supposed to know? I was the first one to get knocked out."
She couldn't help but let out a small laugh.

The bard could feel her back moving against his arm as she laughed. Behind him he felt Geralt wake up. The witcher violently tried to get out of the ropes.
"This is the part where we escape."
Valeria shook her head at Jaskiers's words.
The witcher expressed her thoughts.
"This is the part where they kill us."
Valeria turned her head to Geralt.
"Who's they?"

A woman walked inside. A man following close behind her, holding Jaskiers's lute. Valeria's eyes grew seeing the pointy ears.
The woman kicked Jaskier in his face. She said something in Elder but Valeria didn't care. She began to move in her ropes. No one could hurt her companions, no matter how annoying they were.


Songs of Fire °Jaskier, The WitcherWhere stories live. Discover now