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0.5 |a friend|

VALERIA STROKED RHENVYS' HEAD. Her back leaned against the side of it while her hand stroked the space near his eye.
Two months ago, she had returned from the dead.
Two months since she lost almost everything she held dear. From a queen with two childre to a cast away hidden in a far away kingdom with only her son left. She watched as Isolde came closer with another man beside her.
A few feet away from the dragon, the mage stopped and stared up at the magnificent creature. She gestured for Valeria to come to her. The fallen queen chuckled, knowing the mage never dared to get closer to her son. "You know he won't do anything?" she smiled as she stepped closer to the mage.
Her eyes averted to the man beside the dark haired woman. Total opposites right infront of her eyes. Whereas the woman with her darker skin, black hair and brown robes, the man stood out not just by the horns and wings but also the snow white hair and robes. His skin nearly the same colour yet those slinted eyes intrigued Valeria. It was the same man who was there in the room when she returned. He was the one kind enough to cover her naked body.
"So to what do I owe this pleasure?" she asked.
Isolde sighed and inspected Valeria's face. Her fingers pinching her cheeks and drawing over the dark circles under her eyes. Valeria tried to swap her hand away.
"Your body might be healing, lady, but it is obvious that your heart is not. You barely eat nor sleep more than two hours per day."
Valeria shrugged.
"You may act as if it is nothing to worry about but we all know what is bothering you."
Rolling her eyes, Valeria turned back towards Rhenvys. At least that way she knew the mage wouldn't come closer again to bother her about how she was doing.
"I am fine, Isolde. What on earth should I be worrying about?"
The mage scoffed.
"Don't be so daft, Valeria. We all know you're haunted by Naath. Don't eve try to act as if it doesn't bother you anymore. 

The scar on her chest started to hurt as the woman heard that name again. Her home.
A place that had become a refuge for all people that did not feel safe, no matter where they came from or what they were, now all destroyed.
She balled her fists, clenching her jaw. "My lady, I've asked Wiscar here to join me today. I can only help you in healing your body but he can heal you further." Valeria started to protest but the mage held up her hand. "This will not be up for discussion! I am your healer and this is the medicine I prescribe."
With that the mage left. 

Valeria gave a quick smile to the man staring at her, not knowing what else to do. He bowed his head as his wings shifted slightly with the movement. "So, what is it that is going to magically heal me from my thoughts?" She blinked a couple of times, waiting for an answer.
Nothing came.
The man gestured towards the dragon and nodded with a questioning look. With furrowed brows, Valeria nodded in confirmation, having no idea what he wanted. Slowly he approached Rhenvys as he tucked his wings as close as possible to his body. Valeria watched as the man stood right in front of her child and bowed. Staying in that position, he waited until the dragon made a sound of approval before coming closer. Finally, as careful as possible he layed a hand on Rhenvys' snout and started to stroke the black skills. 

"So, uh, can you answer my question or not?" Valeria murmured.
Wiscar shook his head. She scoffed. Well, wasn't this going to be great. How was he supposed to help her if he refused to speak. With a tap on her shoulder, he forced Valeria to look back at him. Pointing at his mouth, he showed the emptiness of where his tongue should be. She could spot the scars inside his mouth with a grimace. "Oh, I'm sorry, Wiscar." 


Wiscar and Valeria had been meeting up every day now for the past three weeks. It had taken quite a while for her to understand exactly what he meant sometimes but she started to get the hang of it.

Once again, sitting crosslegged opposite each other on the beach, ready to start their daily session. It wasn't anything special really.
Closing their eyes, they focused on the sounds surrounding them, the grains of sand tickling their feet and the breeze of the wind through their hair.
She couldn't deny it calmed her now. The first few times they did this, it was hard. Nothing but flashes of that arrow piercing Gisela's neck, Torwig falling down and the sreams of her people flashed through her mind. It had become less now. Wiscar's gently taps on her shoulder awoke her from her peaceful trance. With a small smile he gestured for her to look him in his eyes. She nodded and leaned forward, focusing on his almost white pupils. 

"Can you hear me now?" 

A gasp escaped her mouth as an unfamiliar voice floated through her head.
"Is that you?" she shouted excitedly. With a grin he nodded. His voice was exactly how she imagined it. It was soft, almost a whisper and the silk edge to it comforted her.
"I have always desired to try this so I knew if I could actually speak with someone in a way but I never dared to."
Valeria tried to surpress her grin as tears welled up in her eyes.
"Thank you for trusting me with this then, my friend."


Many years had passed and Valeria was ready. Ready to return and burn all those who deserved it. She stared into the distance as Hawking attached the red scarf to her armour with a dragon pin.
"Remember, cousin. Every last one of them must pay."
She nodded as Wiscar entered the throne room. They nodded at each other.
"So, the mute has decided he will join you on your travels. How delightful." Valeria rolled her eyes at her cousin's sarcasm. She was glad her friend decided to join her. She knew the winged man wasn't one for violence but he would do it for her.

They still had their sessions from time to time. That is if she was not to busy training with her cousing or planning what towns to attack or what actions to take to get what they wanted. Revenge.
What she didn't tell Wiscar, however, was how the nightmares had returned. The images of the slaughter always at the back of her mind. She didn't know if it was because Hawking forced her to remind herself of what happened so she could not forget why they were doing this but there hasn't been a single night where she could sleep soundly. She did voice it to her cousin who assured her those thoughts would disappear after she succeeded in killing those that have wronged them. 

King Solomon sat on his throne, watching the Blackfyre cousins from a distance. Playing with one of his beaded necklaces he waited until Valeria approached him. She bowed before him and he waved a hand, once again dismissing the gesture.
"We are equals so there is no need for you to bow" he told her the first time she did it.
"So, you are really set on going through with your cousin's plan, princess?"
She nodded. "It is our plan, your majesty. Not just my cousin's." Standing up, not taking his eyes of Hawking, he murmured "If you say so, princess. Perhaps it is mostly his plan and a little bit of yours."
His eyes slid from one Blackfyre to the other.
"What makes you say that?"
He rested his bejeweled hand on her armoured shoulder.
"I have known that boy since he was little. Even then he had a thirst for blood and warfare. I just want you to be sure that you want to do this as well."
Valeria placed her hand on top of his, her face not showing anything.
"I know now too, that the only way to move on is to take revenge on those that have had any part in killing those I have loved so everyone loyal to Nilfgaard must pay. Hawking made me see that."
He gave a curt nod before returning to his throne.
"And he is not coming with you to the Continent?" he gestured towards Hawking.
"No, majesty. We can't take the risk of anyone finding out there has been another Blackfyre walking this earth for decades now."
Solomon nodded. His hands folded infront of his face in contemplation. After a few moments, he gestured for Valeria to come closer.
"I know that if he were to come with you, he would never permit it but if you do spare anyone you can bring them back here. I will make certain they are cared for."
Valeria furrowed her brows. Should she let anyone live? Did these people deserve a choice? Or should she listen to her cousin and kill everyone without question? 

"Just do not forget this one thing. I have helped you all this time. These are my lands, princess, but if you want to burn yours, Erbor will be at your service to help those people you spare. Just do not ever think of burning this place as well. I have given you everything after you fell, do not think I can't take it back."

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