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0.1 |the black death|

WITH BATED BREATH JASKIER EYED THE DISTANCE LOOKING FOR A SIGN OF THE MONSTER. Others were still running while some were brave enough to stop and try to see what was going to happen. Those few seconds waiting for whatever was out there seemed to last for ages. what was this Black Death? An army? A monster? Or just a normal human? He squinted his eyes trying to spot anything but nothing. So focused on trying to find what was causing this terror he didnt realise Yennefer's pull on his arm trying to urge him away from whatever could erupt in a few moments. The witch rather not find out whatever the thing was for this infamous reputation.

The screams grew even louder when something enourmous appeared out of the clouds. Its shadow darkening the entire town. It raced towards them, opening its enormous mouth. Jaskier had to shield his ears from the deafening roar shaking the grounds. He gulped at the dragon growing larger and larger as it flew closer to them by the second. Now it was defenitely time to run. his feet tried to carry him as fast as possible but what use was it? Who could outrun this black scaled monster?

Jaskier and Yennefer looked on from behind a few crates as the dragon reached town and hell erupted. It's large mouth opened and flames were cast down towards the people running away. Jaskier flinched at the sight of those orange specks of pain that had been at his fingers not too long ago. The warmth of the burning houses and smell of burning flesh made him feel sick. The enormous beast soared through the sky while burning almost the entire town to pieces. Yennefer pulled Jaskier away as their vision darkened and the dragon flew right above them. No matter where they ran, there were flames, burning corpses or people running for their lives. Jaskier fell down as the house infront of them collapsed. Getting back up again he turned in all directions. Yennefer was gone. His fingers burnt at the sight of the flames around him. His breath quickened and he didn't know what to do. In the distance he saw the familiar purple of Yennefer's cloak but she was held down by two men. He ran towards her, not wanting to lose the only thing that felt somewhat safe in this moment. He stopped in his tracks when she suddenly disappeared. Frozen in shock, he watched as the men searched around in confusion not understanding how the woman could suddenly disappear into thin air after saying a few words.

Jaskier fell backwards as the dragon roared above him. He ran towards the square which he immediately regretted. The black dragon ended its track of death and landed in the opening offered by the town's square. Some men were brave enough and ran past the bard, holding up their weapons. Jaskier simply stood frozen in his place not being able to look away from the beast. All those men ready to face this monster looked like insects compared to it. What they did not expect, however, was someone climbing down from the dragon.

Jaskier shook his head not wanting to belief what he saw. A speck of white hair covered by a crown of black thorns stood out against the dark scales of the beast. It was as if someone had taken out his lungs and all his oxygen left his body. His knees trembled. Deep down he knew it couldn't be her because it never was. All those times he saw even a smudge of white hair and he gained hope, he was reminded she was dead. The person landed with two feet on the ground and faced their opponent. Jaskier fell down to his knees. His eyes were deceiving him because of the distance, surely. Even though the person's eyes were completely black he would recognise that face everwhere. Right there in the distance, ready to face her enemy, stood Valeria.

She smiled menacingly as the dozen men around her stood there shaking in their boots. Holding out their weapons so she knew not to mess with them. She cocked her head and looked at every single one of them. Slowly she raised her hand. Her fingertips began to glow and all the fire around them disappeared. She gave them one warning as they looked around in confusion at what just occured.


Nothing but silence as she awaited their answer still holding up her hand, glowing threathingly. The dragon behind her just sitting patiently while staring at his mother. One man answered and ran towards her with his sword aimed at her. He gained a total of three steps before he and the rest of his men were burned.

Jaskier tried to hide the sob from escaping as he saw the fire coming from Valeria's hand instead of the dragon who he assumed was Rhenvys. All the flames around him were gone and only the brave men were still burning. At least now he understood what they meant with the name Black Death. Almost the enitre town was nothing more than ashes created by the black monster roaming the skies. Those who were still alive came forward trying to see what had caused this disaster.

Valeria waited patiently for them to come as she sat on Rhenvys' paw. His head even bigger than herself. Some men immediately knew what to do and bowed before her. She looked around the few remaining survivors. "I am giving you a choice. Refuse Nilfgaard and its ruler as the rightful one and you may join me or you may walk away. But you must swear to have no loyalty to Nilfgaard whatsoever." Some remained bowed as others nodded and other hesitantly began to walk away. Jaskier waited with bated breath not knowing how she would react. She did nothing. She let them walk away. Her eyes followed the trail of burnt corpses and she sighed.

"I am sorry for bringing this pain upon you. I truly am but Nilfgaard must pay for what they have done."

A tear rolled down the bard's face. That seemed more like the woman he once knew. At last his feet began to move and he inched closer to her from behind his hiding space. Valeria lifted her head and her eyes settled on him. She sprung up not taking her eyes of the bard. Jaskier smiled while approaching. "Valeria," he muttered in contempt finally seeing her up close again. Even though he had just been through hell and she was partly responsible, all he wanted to do was run towards her and hug her. She was alive! He had her back finally. He could make things right and he could fullfill his promise of going to the coast with the woman he loved.

Valeria turned away from him and spoke.

"Get this man out of my sight."

Songs of Fire °Jaskier, The WitcherWhere stories live. Discover now