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0.2 |the bard|

Two years later

A SOFT BREEZE HIT HER SKIN. Valeria could hear the distinctive sound of wings flapping in the wind. Slowly her emerald eyes opened and searched around for her child. A smile spread on her face, when she saw the silhouette of a black dragon high above the trees.
It didn't take long before the small dragon landed before her feet.
Valeria kneeled down and stroked it's head. The black dragon dropped something from its mouth and pushed it towards his mother. Valeria grimaced at the sight of a dead squirrel. The dragon pushed its nose against the dead creature so it inched closer to Valeria.
She pushed his head back with a small smile.
"You can keep it, Rhenvys."
Although she appreciated him bringing her gifts, she did not exactly know what to do with all the dead creatures he would bring from time to time.
"You must head back to Naath soon. I'm meeting with Geralt in a tavern nearby and I can't risk you being seen."
Rhenvys nodded its head.
"Go straight back to Torwig. Stay as high as possible and make sure no one sees you."
The dragon nodded its head one last time before it flew off again. Valeria couldn't help but smile every time she saw her child fly around in the sky.
No matter what, worries still ate at her in the back of her mind. Dragons were almost extinct. Those that are left were hunted down. Every time Rhenvys went back to Naath she would worry. What if he got caught?
No one was allowed to hurt her child.


Valeria sat silently across from Geralt.
It had been a year since she last saw him. "How's Roach doing?"
Her small hand was wrapped around a cup of ale.
"Roach is fine."
Sipping from her ale she accepted the silence again. Geralt had never spoken much. "Where's Rhenvys?"
A smile came on her face when her child was named.
"Flying back home. Can't have him near this much people."

Music played in the background. A man was singing but Valeria payed no attention to him.
"He has grown quite a lot since you last him. He's about the size of big dog now."
Geralt simply nodded. The woman put her empty cup of ale down on the table. A more serious expression on her face now.
"Strange things have been happening lately, Geralt. People have started talking about destiny to me. It's driving me mad."
The bard was still singing, while Geralt cocked his head.
"And what are they saying?"
Valeria shrugged, looking over her shoulder. She finally found the face that belonged to the singing voice.
"It's the same as in my dreams. Your destiny is linked with the person that is both man and flower," she turned back to Geralt, "what the fuck's that supposed to mean.And not to mention the fact that the people of Naath keep pushing me to become queen and seize all the land in the Continent."
She scoffed not believing the words coming out of her mouth. She as queen? Never.
The man's singing behind her had stopped and Valeria could hear people shouting. She stood back up and grabbed her cup.
"I need another drink."
She was about to turn and walk away but she looked back at Geralt.
"I know you don't believe in destiny but I even dreamed of it. We both know what happened the last time I dreamed of something. I'll be right back."

Her dream of hatching the dragon egg. It would haunt her mind in her sleep for weeks. She remembered the new hope when she discovered Rhenvys' egg. Her dream came true. Who says it won't happen again? Maybe her destiny was with the flower man. Whatever that could mean.

Jaskier collected the food that had been thrown at him. He stopped when his gaze landed upon a man and woman. The woman in her blue dress and grey trousers walked away from the table. Those two had been the only ones that hadn't given him any critiques about his singing. He was intrigued to say the least. He stuffed a loaf of bread in his pants. The white-haired woman frowned at him, seeing what he was doing. He gave her a wink. Her frown turned into a glare and she quickly walked further while turning her gaze away from him.
The bard walked towards the table the lonely man sat, but not before taking a cup from the waitress walking by.
"I love the way you just sit in the corner and brood."

askier leaned against the wooden pillar while the white-haired man slowly looked into his direction.
"I'm here to drink alone."
Jaskier looked back at the blonde woman standing at the bar, waiting to be served.
"Good. Yeah, good, but you're not alone, are you?"
The big man whipped his head around and in his golden eyes annoyance could be spotted. The bard started to smile. He walked to stand in front of the unknown man's table. Now he had his attention.

Valeria turned around with a satisfied smile and filled cup. Her smile faltered however, when she saw the bard from before in her seat. First he had the audicity to stuff bread in his pant in front of everyone and wink at her when she noticed what he was doing, now he had also taken her seat!
With a faster pace she walked toward Geralt and the brown haired man. She could hear some of their conversation.

"And how would you know?" asked the bard. A look of recognition came upon his face.
Valeria slammed her cup down on the table.
"That's my seat you've taken."
She squinted her eyes when the bard barely looked up at her and turned his attention back to Geralt.
"White hair, big, old loner, two very very scary looking swords," Geralt stood from his seat and took his bag of coins, "I know who you are."
Geralt looked back at Valeria and started to walk away from the irritating man. "We're leaving. Now."
She threw her hands up.
"I just got a new drink!"

The bard walked past her and followed Geralt.
"You're the witcher, Geralt of Rivia. Called it!"
Valeria quickly took a sip of her drink, while another man stood up.
"A job I've got for ya. I beg you."
Geralt stopped walking and turned back around. Valeria rolled with her eyes and set the cup down.
"Here we go again," she whispered to herself.
Slowly she walked towards where the bard stood so she could see Geralt. It seemed as if he was discussing this new job.

"And who might you be?"
Valeria turned her head towards the bard. "His lady?"
His hands were on his hips. She scoffed while walking away.

Songs of Fire °Jaskier, The WitcherWhere stories live. Discover now