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0.0 |i need a drink|

ALL JASKIER NEEDED WAS A DRINK. He had never been so sure of anything. After all these years and he finally saw a familiar face, it was the witch who tried to kill him. And the best part of it all? That same witch had just given him a hug. He couldn't deny it was nice to see an old and familiar face amongst a crowd of unknown folk after all the chaos. How he had wished it was Valeria instead. Her face, especially that smile of hers, haunted his dreams for years now. Each time he performed and he saw a speck of blond or white hair his heart leaped and he hoped so badly it was her. Yes, he knew it was impossible since she is dead but he couldn't help it. Even if she were alive, would she even want to see him? All the possible outcomes of their future had been written down in hundreds of songs but the world hasn't heard a single note of it. Jaskier could not bring it to himself to even sing a word about the woman he was so stupid to let go. No, it was easier to pretend she had never been apart of his life than acknowledge the aching of his heart. 

And yet here he was. Being confronted with someone that was a part of his and Valeria's shared time. The bard quickly grabbed two glasses and a bottle of god knows what was inside. Yennefer sat opposite of the bar. "I heard the song. Geralt must have left quite a sour taste in your mouth."
With an appaled look he shook his head. "What? He - No one leaves any tastes in my mouth, thank you very much," he went on "I sing of universal matters, my dear, generous lady. Emotions which anybody could experience. That song could be about anyone."
Even himself did not look convinced about that and Yennefer did not belief a single word of it. After staring at the witch for a moment, hoping she would buy it, he gave up.
"Fine. Yes, when I wrote it, it did come from the heart." Pouring himself that drink at last, he gazed up at the witch. "Perhaps a broken one." 

He shoves a drink towards Yennefer. With a nod, he assures "We're better off without him." The witch agrees and they clink their glasses as if they were old friends.
"So, I'm guessing you are better off without Valeria as well then? I would have thought you must have stayed together."
Jaskier nearly dropped the glass out of his hands. He hasn't heard anyone say that name in years. With a distant look, he shook his head.
"I've said some pretty terrible things towards her and just as Geralt did to me, I left her on that mountain." Clenching his fists, he tried to keep his emotions low. He could not show the tears he let out once in a while when he thought about what he did. Saying it out loud hurt even more. How could he be angry at Geralt when he did the exact same? At least he still had a chance to see Geralt and make things right between them. Or he hoped the Witcher was alive. Yennefer pulled him out of his train of thoughts with a smack on the side of his head. "How could you do that, you idiot?"
With a heavy sigh, he took another swig of the terrible drink.
"I really don't know. It was the stupidest thing I could ever do."
The bard had his eyes fixed on the bottle in his hands. How could he have been so stupid?
"I hope for your sake, you won't meet her again because she sure will be angry."
Jaskier shook his head. "That will never happen."
He'll never have the chance to ask her for forgiveness or tell her how much he loves her. 


"Who the fuck was that?" 

To say the last few hours had been eventful would be an understatement. Not only did Jaskier see Yennefer again but he was tortured and now on the run from the mage. Thank the gods for Yennefer to save him from the mysterious fire mage who burnt or his hands would have been burnt even more. His mind was still hazy from everything that had just happened but atleast he was away from the torment of flames. 

"He's after Geralt." 

Yennefer whipped around at that with a concerned look.
"What? Why? What does he want with him?"
Jaskier had to sit down for a moment to catch his breath. Blood coating the side of his lips. He tried to wipe it away. "You know, I assumed it was to drink tea and eat crumpets and wax nostalgic over old times."
He stood back up, still heaving. Whether he was still out of breath from the running or the images of fire burning his fingertips wasn't clear to him but he tried to ignore it. 
"Oh and I'm pretty sure he would like to invite their friend the Black Death as well to their party since he kept going on about that name."

"I've heard some stories about that name. Something or someone is destroying villages belonging to Nilfgaard and slaughtering everyone claiming to be loyal to them. King Theoden was sent his children's heads as a present from this Black Death." 

Jaskier's eyes grew wide. "Well, he certainly seems like lovely company for tea. I don't know, Yennefer. Why don't you just conjure up a portal or do your mind talking and warn Geralt?"
The witch closed her eyes with a sigh. "I cant. No magic, remember."
The bard held his hands on his hips, shaking his head.
"You don't get to play damsel in distress," he sighed, "That's my job." 


Once again the pair was running through the streets of the town. Neither of them knew why these unknown men were after them but they knew they had to get away. Whatever they wanted could not be good. Yennefer grabbed onto the bard's arm tightly to make sure she wouldn't lose him. She stopped in her tracks as their pathway got blocked. One of the men stood infront of them with a menacing smile. 

He tried to take a step forward but a woman stopped him. She slammed into the side of his body and screamed out in terror. More people came running towards them. Screams could be heard and the streets were bustling with panicked people. A man riding a horse came through the gates in a hurry. Jaskier and Yennefer gave each other a quick look in confusion. The man just screamed one name over and over again. 

The Black Death. 

The chants of the infamous name was the only thing that could be heard throughout the screams of those who has seen the sight of the murderer. The witch and the bard just stood still in silence not knowing what to do as people ran past them. Jaskier cursed whatever gods were out there. As if someone insulting his songs, being tortured and being on the run wasn't enough for one day. 

His head whipped around at the distant sound of a screech that reminded him of something but he couldn't quite figure out what it was.

Songs of Fire °Jaskier, The WitcherWhere stories live. Discover now