2 | this is war

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Still tied up, we get escorted through the hall into another room. I recognize the men who had captured us as well as the masked man who I sat next to in the car.

"Welcome our newest members!" Valeria announces, "I didn't catch your guys' names. Actually, let's all introduce ourselves. Say your name, favorite color, and one thing you like about each person in the room. It's a bonding exercise."

The men behind each of us pull out a chair, sitting us down on them before everyone pulls a chair into a circle.

"Price," She starts.

He huffs, shaking his head, "This is fucking stupid. I'm John Price, my favorite color is green," He starts to his right, "Gaz, you're an incredible partner, Soap, your jokes are semi-tolerable, Alejandro, you're loyal and I respect that, Ghost, you're aim is admirable, Rudy, you're a good driver," He finishes his men, finally getting to us. He starts with Reaper, "Blondie... you've got an awesome scar on that face. Takes hard work to get a scar like that." He moves onto Dash, "You... you're.. you've got nice hair," he finally says.

"Thank you, sir."

He hums, moving onto König, "You big man, you're fucking hefty. You'll be a good addition to the team."

Now for Chimbo, "You look like you pull."

He laughs, but quickly quiets down, "Thank you."

Finally, me, "You look battle-hardened. I sense no emotion on your face. You're a good soldier."

Valeria yawns, "That was boring. From now on, I just want compliments on the five. Todos ustedes chupan pollas unos a otros de todos modos."

Gaz's turn.

"I'm Gaz. My favorite color is gold, and... can I get each of your names before I start?"






"Quite the team," Gaz laughs, "Alright Reaper, I'm gonna have to agree with John on this one. That scar is pretty wicked."

Reaper nods as a thank you.

"Dash, I'm gonna be pretty frank and say that you're gorgeous."

I look over at her, watching as she hides her face as she smiles. I hum, then turn back to Gaz.

"König, I can't really see you so I can't compliment your looks, but I do like the shirt thing whatever going on over your face."

I hear him slightly laugh. I drown out Gaz's voice as I lean over to him, whispering, "He just said you're ugly."

"I know," He whispers back.

"Chimbo, I'm gonna also have to agree with John on this. You're a good-looking man, you definitely pull."

God this room reeked of bromance.

"Cuda," He starts, "You look strong. Your legs are massive."

I forced myself not to throw up everywhere. I hated every second of this. I would rather endure real torture than this bullshit torture.

Next, "I'm Soap. My favorite color is pink, and..."

The skull mask man laughs, causing Soap to roll his eyes. He continues on, giving each of us a compliment.

"Alejandro, brown..." He gives us our compliments.

Next was the skull mask, "Ghost, my favorite color is black. Reaper, you look like me, Dash, your hair looks soft, König, the mask has already been done, be original, Chimbo, you look like you have good sniper skills, and Cuda..."

He stares blankly and I could see nothing but his eyes and even then I couldn't see his expression.

"You look good tied up in that chair."

I huff as the men start laughing, slapping Ghost in the arm causing him to rock back and forth as he keeps his eyes on me.

"¡Basta! Keep going!" Valeria orders.

Lastly, "Rodolfo, my favorite color is red..."

We receive the last of our compliments.

"See! Bonding," Valeria speaks, "Disarm and untie them."

Her men bring us to our feet, their hands patting us down as they remove all our guns, knives, and weapons from our bodies. They had already taken our backpacks which held most of our extra clothes and gear.

The men untie our hands and I shake the pain out of my wrists before wrapping a hand around them to roll the joints.

"Come," Valeria says, tilting her head toward the door. Everyone stands up, and I follow as we walk down the hall into yet another room. This one had a large table in it, a map spread across the wood with files and pictures across the board.

Pinned on Russia, I see a picture of Makarov.

"We deploy toward Russia in a few days. That plane was a terrorist attack and we have no idea how many more are coming our way. If they're targeting the pentagon just as Hassan's missile was, we have bigger problems to look forward to."

The mention of Hassan caused everyone's eyes to wander to us and I couldn't help but look away. It wasn't my finest moment in my career, but it was the only way I could get away from Shadow Company.

Yes, I worked for Phillip Graves. We don't mention it.

Reaper speaks up, "That plane was hijacked by a series of Russians ordered by Makarov. It housed a series of U.S Military soldiers coming home from deployment in Ukraine," He states, causing Valeria's eyebrows to raise. She was impressed.

"Tell me more."

He leans over the table, placing his finger down on Russia before he drags it over to Chicago, "Because the attempt was unsuccessful and stopped by those very soldiers, they had missed the Pentagon. Killing both Makarov's men and the soldier's. Though I suppose, if it did hit the pentagon, it would have killed them anyways."

"Fewer casualties than if it hit the pentagon," She adds.


She smiles, turning her gaze to Alejandro, "Me caen bien."

"This is going to take a lot more men than what we have in this room right now," She states, "We're going to need an army. Esto es la guerra, cabróns."

𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐃 {𝐒𝐢𝐦𝐨𝐧 '𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭' 𝐑𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐲}Where stories live. Discover now